Chapter 18

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Carls pov

I grab a couple of cans of soup and throw them into my back pack. I didn't find any baby stuff but I'll go on a run tomorrow. I should really go back now, it's getting late. I quickly take a second look to make sure I'm not missing anything and start to head to the door. I was about to open the door when something caught my eye. On the floor laid a necklace with a gold cross. I picked it up and walked out of the door.
"I better get home before people start to wonder where I am" I whispered to myself before I started to walk back to the prison.

Lexi pov

The trees pass as we pull up to a prison, it was huge and walkers surrounded the fences. I was finally here, the place where Rick lives. I sighed and unlocked my door as the car stopped. I stepped out of the car looking at James one more time before closing the door. The thought of James being dead was burning my head. His dead figure laid in the car, the once courageous, and kind boy was nothing. He died because of me.

I grabbed my crutches and walked over to Rick who was talking to a Asian man. The two stopped and the man looked surprised when he saw me. He scanned my body like he was trying to figure out something. He looked back at Rick and mumbled something to Rick. Rick looked at me and stepped away for a second and mumbled a couple of words which I couldn't quite catch. They came back and the Asian man held out his hand. I took it in mine and shook his hand.
"I'm Glenn, and you are" he asked. I looked at him funny and than my eyes started to blur. Not again....
My body fell to the ground and I was out.
Little scenes of my life started to play in my head
I ran into the gates Rick following not that far behind. We ran in the gates which were closed by Glenn. We walked up to Glenn which led to him in introducing himself.
"I'm Glenn" he said
"She likes you" Beth a blond girl whispered.
I nodded as she curled up in my arms. I began to sing her one of my favorite songs.
You only need the light when it's burning low ,
You only miss the sun when it starts to snow,
You only know you love her when you let her go.
She slowly closed her eyes and I passed her to Beth.

His eyes were a bright light blue and showed emotion for once. He layed down and pulled me into his chest.I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a deep peaceful sleep. I actually feel safe.
My eyes bolted open and I started to gasped for air. The information was just to much all at once. My eyes suddenly scan my surroundings, I was in a cell laying in a bunk bed. The cell smelled and looked like home. There was a tan color carpet covering the floor, a brown dresser, posters across the walls and a couple of scented candles lint. A figure ran into the cell and sat on the bed beside me, rubbing small circles on my back. I slowly started to calm down and study my breathing. I look at the figure beside me and notice it's Beth.
" Beth.." I questioned
She looked at me confused and than nodded her head.
"Yes, but I thought you lost your memory" she asked confused.
I nodded my head and looked up at the ceiling.
" I did, but I keep having these memory flashback things were I remember little bits of things. I remembered things today, including you but my memory is still blurry with some information" I said looking back at her.
She nodded and smiled.
"That's good, do you want to meet someone" she asked walking over to a crib which was placed in the corner of the room. That's weird I didn't see that before.
"Sure " I smiled. Beth picked up a baby and walked over to me. She looked down at the baby and smiled. She passed the baby to me and smiled as she saw the baby place it's hand on my cheek. The baby was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Its sparkly big blue eyes looked up at me with happiness and joy.
"What's the kids name" I asked looking back up at Beth.
"Ethan" She whispered sitting down next to me. That name sounded very familiar and than it hit me. The baby I saved, I was wondering where he went. I kissed the baby's cheek and passed her back to Beth.
"I'm going to go back to bed" I said laying back down on the bed I sat upon.
"Goodnight Lexi" Beth said putting Ethan back into his crib. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

Carl's pov

I quickly killed a walker as I ran to the fence. I untied the hole and climbed into the prison closing it back up. It was dark really dark but the yard was lit by many fireflies. I walked into the prison and quickly made my way to Beth's cell so I can see my little Ethan. I walked in and saw Beth laying down reading a book. She looked up at me and than up at the top bunk which a sleeping girl was laying. Beth picked up Ethan from the crib he was sleeping in and passed him to me.
" You gotta leave" she said as nice as possible. She kept looking up at the sleeping girl and back at me.
"Who's the girl" I asked looking at the figure covered by a big blanket.
"Oh just a girl your dad found on a run today" she said.
"What's her name" I asked looking at Beth weirdly.
"Tomorrow you will meet her, just leave please" she asked walking me to the cell door.
"Okay okay, god don't have to be so pushy" I said laughing a bit at Beth's strangeness. I looked down at my sleeping angel and walked to my cell sitting down on my bed.
"God, I miss her" I whispered as I looked down at Ethan.
"I'm glad she found you... you're all I have left of her " I whispered kissing his cheek. I smiled and put him down into his crib. I quickly changed into something more comfortable and layed down.

Tomorrow's a new day, and hopefully something good will happen. We all need it right now.

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