Chapter 24

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Lexi's Pov

The warmth was so calming I almost forgot that I was with Carl. His sleeping figure held on to me like if he let go I'd disappear. I managed to turn my body around so I was facing his face, He had long eyelashes something I've never noticed. His hair was getting really long, I wondered if he would let me cut it one day. I brushed his hair behind his ear, and slide my hand against his cheek. He opened one eye and looked at my smiling figure. He shook his head a little and closed his eye again. I kissed his nose and he chuckled. He opened his eyes again and smiled at me.

" I wanna show you something today after breakfast" He yawned pulling me closer to him so there was no space between us. He was about to lean in to place his lips against mine, but Ethan started to cry so I quickly got up and kissed the little angel. As I smiled at him an recurring thought enter my mind "why are we acting like a couple when we're not". I shook it off and just looked at Carl, laying in bed looking at me.

" I'm going to go have a shower, I'll meet you in the cafeteria for breakfast," I said handing Ethan to Carl. He nodded as I walked out of his cell. I quickly walked over to Beth's and I's cell to grab a new outfit for the day and some stuff I need for my shower. Beth wasn't there so I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a red over-sized tshirt . I grabbed a towel and some soap walking to the showers. I quickly got undressed and turned on the cold water. I watched the water flow to the floor, I walked into the water letting it soak my skin. I watched the dirt wash off of me swirling down into the drain. I quickly wash up and and exit the shower. I walk to where I set my clothes on a small brown wooden bench. I bend slightly grabbing my purple towel and dry myself off. I grab clothes putting them on and grabbing my shower stuff.

Rick had went on a run to get some new clothes which he did really well on. I walk back to mine and Beth's cell and put away my stuff before walking into the cafeteria. It wasn't that packed today only a few people sat at tables talking about there daily routines while eating. Carl sat in the corner like always sitting with Ethan, he smiled as he saw me walk over and sit down. He had a plaid shirt on which was kinda his signature style and a pair of blue jeans. He looks at what I was wearing and laughed a little. I looked at him confused.

"Even when you wear lazy clothing you still look cute" Carl laughed. I just blushed and waved it off. There was bowl in front of me which held blueberry's and strawberry's. I smiled at Carl and thanked him. I really don't understand him sometimes. Hes so mean to other people but when it comes to me hes the nicest he can possible be.

"why are you staring at me like that?" He asked confused. I focus back in to what I was doing and realize I zoned out.

"Sorry I just zoned out didn't realize I was even staring at you" I said as I smiled. I began to eat some of my food. Ethan watched me curiously and I just smiled at him. He truly was adorable. His little smile, his blue eyes, his cute little chubby cheeks and his wonderful little laugh that could make the darkest moments happy again. I have a deep love for this little guy, hes truly amazing. A cough interrupted my thoughts when I looked up at Carl who looked concerned.

"Did you zone out again?" He asked. I looked at him confused, is it that obvious? I thought.

"Yea , how did you know" I asked. He smiled and than laughed. He looked at Ethan and bounced him on his lap.

" Well you always seem to stare at one thing almost like your trying to observing its every move, you smile and lick your lips oh and you were eating the air with your fork" he laughed making Ethan giggle as well. I felt my cheeks grow a deep red, I look down into my bowl which was empty and I join in on the laughter.
I looked at Ethan and just wondered where Carl was taking me and why would he make it a surprise ? Gosh this boy makes my heart swell.
   I knew I was going to love where ever he was going to take me.
         Because I'd be with him.

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