Chapter 23

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Lexi's Pov

The lighting was dim as I entered the cafeteria, each table had a table cloth covering it with a candle that sat in the middle. Rick sat at a table on the left side of the room. He waved slowly and smiled as I made my way over to him. Ethan started to get a little fussy, I gently rock him hushing his now sleeping figure. I sat down at a silver table, a bowl of fish stew sat in front of me.  With my one hand, I picked up the spoon that was beside the bowl and scooped up some of the hot soup blowing on it before putting the spoon in my mouth, the warm soup traveled down my throat. I had to admit I was very grateful that Glenn had found the Lake, the soup was wonderful. Rick cleared his throat making me look up at the body standing at the table. Carls blue eyes stared at me, he slowly sat down at the table not taking his gaze off of me while doing so. He looked away, picking up his spoon. 

We didn't make much  conversation while we ate, but he would look up at me now and then; almost like he was checking if I was still there.  I had finished and three girls in their mid 20's were passing out slices of blueberry pie; the pies me and Carol had made. As a girl passed me a plate, I smiled and thanked her. She nodded and passed Carl and Rick a plate as well. Carol walked to the center of the room and cleared her throat getting everyone's attention.  

She smiled and began to speak " Ladies and Gentleman as you eat your dessert make sure to thank Lexi for picking, help bake, and coming up with the idea to make a dessert in the first place, enjoy everyone". 

I felt all eyes on me, and everyone at once screamed out thank you. I blushed from embarrassment and smiled at everyone. The sudden yelling woke Ethan from his slumber,  he bursted out in tears, I hush the crying child. Whispering sweet things in his ear, calming him as he sucked on his thumb.  Carl looked up at me and smiled. I quickly ate my pie and stood up. Ethan was ready to be put to bed. Carl looked at me with surprise. 

"Where are you going," he asked.

I looked down at the beautiful angle and looked back up at Carl. 

"I'm going to quickly put him to bed, come with me and then I'll help you fold your clothes?"  I asked .  He nodded his head quickly, jumping out of his seat. Rick who sat quickly the whole time chuckled to himself.  We walked back to his cell, there were clothes that sat in a basket on the floor, it was overflowing, I bet the dresser was empty. Carl sat down while I changed Ethan's diaper, and changed him into some pj's. I kissed him goodnight and sat down on the floor in front of the clothes.  I smiled up at Carl.

" I see you really do need my help, I just thought the keep to himself Carl Grimes was trying to get me to spend time with him" I laughed quietly.  He laughed and playfully hit my shoulder.  

" You wish Lexi" He laughed and winked at me.  A heat between my legs started to rise, I quickly picked up a piece of clothing to cover my now red face. I press my legs together to stop the tension and to snap out of it. He looked at me funny and picked up a piece of clothing, a pair of underwear to be exact.  

" Are you okay?" he asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded and laughed. 

"Yea I'm fine Carl, just that I saw a spider," I said calming down the boy in front of me. 

" oooh, Lexi here is scared of spiders. Never thought you were the type of girl to be scared of a spider" he laughed picking up another piece of clothing. My cheeks grew red, wow can't believe I just said that. I threw a pair of this boxers at him hitting his face, he grabbed them in shock before throwing them back at me, they landed between my thighs. The heat again rising. Control yourself Lexi. He stared at them, I quickly picked them up closing my thighs. I was wearing this stupid yellow sun dress he probably could've saw my panties. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful dress its just I hate that I decided to wear it tonight. He looked away from my area, and went to stand up but tripped on the bucket falling on top of me. He laughed looking down at me, his blue eyes were filled with lust. I could tell now. He leaned down moving slowly   to my lips, the heat was horribly strong and I couldn't wait I just wanted to feel his lips against mine.  I pulled him into my lips, they were warm and soft.  suddenly things started to flash before my eyes. 


The crops were in front of me, Carl threw mud at me making me laugh before I threw some back.


Rain poured heavily, I danced around while Carl spun in a circle. The whole world felt like it had stopped. I looked at Carl as he fell to the ground. He smiled but sudden he got  and just walked away leaving me in the rain.


I lay awake just looking at his sleeping figure, I hate this boy but I think I might love him..... I actually I know.... I love him. 


( Imagine a slide show of events in your mind, playing very quickly like there's a flash of a memory than it's gone, that's what happened ) 

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled. He quickly got off of me. I got up and was about to leave when Carl grabbed my arm. I turned around and he smiled

" Stay the night please," He asked quietly. I just nodded and sat down on his bed. He picked up a red t-shirt and handed it to me.  He turned around while I changed into the t-shirt. He changed into pajama pants, I lay down as he blew out the candle. He slipped into bed and spooned me. His bare chest was warm and It felt like home. Soon I could hear his snores, and all I could do is think.

I almost forgot the boy I love....

    I can't tell him......

The warmth was so relaxing , I felt my eyes closing and my body beginning to sleep.  I was out

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