Chapter 10

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Lexi POV
The tapping sound was getting unbearable and a headache started to form inside my brain.
"Please wake up, it's been a month, and it's getting harder to stay here" A voice whispered. I've been out for a month, damn I need to wake up and find out what happened and where I am. I kept trying to force my eyes open out it was impossible.
I felt a warm touch on my forehead and then heard footsteps leaving my sleeping form.
A week later
My head was aching, I could hear gun shots being fired. I was terrified, did someone kidnap me.
"Leave the girl!" A man shouted.
I'm going to die, this is the end of me.
I tried and tried but something happened this time which was horrifying. My eyes opened to see gun fire and the dead eating the living.
A blond haired boy run up to me, looking surprised and picked me up.
"Lets go, I'll explain later" the boy yelled.
He ran out of the house, The boy shooting down many of those things with precise skill.
He ran, and ran until he placed me down on the ground in exhaustion.
"I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you?" I whispered
The boy looked up at me with his green pupils and smiled.
"I'm James, What's your name?" He said
I looked at him and nodded closing my eyes for a brief second. He had blond hair, that was qiffed up and a very nice smile, if I had to say so myself.
"I'm Lexi, how'd I get here? Where are we? Where's my family?"
I panicked, asking all the questions swirling rapidly in my brain, screaming to be released.
He let out a raspy chuckle "Slow down. I just found you... I don't know where your family is, and as for where we are, I don't know either. Since the apocalypse, I don't keep track." James stared at me with a serious questioning look.
He raised a hand up to ruffle his hair, in shyness. "So..."
An awkward silence fell upon us.
"Who was that man?" I said, racking my brain for everything that happened.
"Your mom." He grinned and chuckled, ruffling his hair once again.
"Just kidding, dummy. That was my mom."
I groaned, getting nowhere.
Suddenly, a force so strong knocked me off my feet. I remembered one sole name: Carl.
I've never met a Carl in my life... I screamed out in frustration and throw my hand up pulling at my hair. Why can't I remember anything.
"What's wrong" James whispered placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I can't remember half of my life" I whispered my hate slowly becoming into sadness. A tear rolled down my cheek which was wiped away by James numb.
"Its okay, how about I help you try to remember" he whispered looking straight in my eyes.
"Thanks" I said looking down from his green eyes
"For what sweetheart" He said picking up my chin with his thumb.
"For saving me" I whispered
He brought me into a hug and kissed my forehead. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him, I know that we are going to be best friends.

We were driving down a road heading to a house just down the road. James found a car, so here we are driving. I began to ask questions.
"You said you just found me right, where and how tho" I questioned. He looked at me for a minute then back at the road.
"Well, I was on a run and heard yelling, being me I ran wanting to see what happened" He paused for a second then carried on
"You were crawling away from a small heard, you came up to me whispered the name Carl before you passed out, your leg was in bad shape so I picked you up and ran" He said almost in a whisper.
That name again, why can't I remember him or she.
"Thanks, That was very kind of you" I whispered and patted his shoulder.
The rest of the car ride was silent, until we pulled up to a little cabin in the middle of the woods. He smiled and turned off the car. He got out of the car and came to my side, picking me up and walking towards the cabin. He opened the door, without dropping me. He shut the door and locked it. We walked into what looked to be a living room with two long black couch's. He sat me down on the couch and turned on a low light. The windows were boarded up so those things could see the light. Oh right I never asked what those things are.
"Um James" I asked
He looked over at me and walked towards me. He sat down and smiled.
"Yes, anything wrong" he asked.
" I never asked what those things are the monsters or whatever you call them, What happened to the world" I asked so confused. He looked so surprised like he seen a killer or a ghost.
" You don't know what they are" He questioned. I nodded and he continued to speak.
"Well, the dead run the earth now, it happened a long time ago, I can't even remember how life was back then" He whispered once again which we have been doing all night.
I nodded trying to take all the information in. He shot up from his seat and walked away. He came back with a pair of crutches and place them beside the couch.
" Tomorrow we can try to teach you how to kill, if your up to it that is" He said with a little excitement in his voice. I smiled at his cutest.
" Sure, bring it on" I whispered yelled.
He smiled and handed me a fruit up and a blanket. I quickly gobble down the fruit cup and placed my head on one of the couch pillows.
" Goodnight James" I whispered. I closed my eyes and was about to go in a deep sleep when, James whispered " Goodnight love" . I smiled and soon sleep took over my body and every thing disappeared.

Thanks for reading this far, I can't believe that we are at chapter 10 already. My Carl Grimes imagines are updated more so check them out. Thanks love ya.

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