Chapter 5

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The air was dusty and everything started to spin, my hearing was giving out, but I could hear a soft cry. There was fallen shelves, food scattered across the floor, a graveyard of dead bodies and walking ones locked outside the doors. The blood on my clothes smelt worse then a walker itself and it was making me nauseous. I sighed standing up and fumbling my way to the noise. There laid a baby boy maybe about two weeks in a blue jumper, laying on a shelve surrounded by three walkers. I grabbed my knife out of my boot and a rock off the ground. I through the rock to the left and the two walkers followed the sound, but one stayed. I charged at the one pushing my knife into its head making it fall to the ground with a thump. The two walkers heard and came to my direction. I shot one and plunged my knife into the other one that was slightly shorter than me. I pulled my knife out making blood spat on my face and I sighed again sliding my knife into my boot. I grabbed the baby rocking it slowly.

"Let's get out of here before we become walker food" I whispered.

I ran and grabbed some baby bottles, bottles of water, diapers, baby formula, and some baby clothes like a jacket because it's getting cold, a hat, a pair of really cute boots, some more jumpers and some canned food for me to eat with one hand shoving it into my backpack. I began to run faster than I ever ran before, I took the back door because there were fewer walkers. I kept running until the house Carl and I were staying at came into view. I looked behind me and there were no walkers in sight. I let a breath out and walked into the house locking the door behind me. I walked to the couch and sat down where a set of piercing blue eyes stared at me with a smirk.

Before This Happened:

The smell of pancakes lingered into my cell. I smiled and whispered "Pancakes Sundays"

I've been here for two months now and I have made a slight progress with Carl. He's being nice to people but not to me and that's okay. The message or whatever it is, its still a mystery to me. I asked Beth about it, but she said she had no idea.

I felt a light touch on my shoulder, I peeked an eye open and there stood Carl. I sat up and looked at him waiting for him to speak.

"My dad would like to talk to you" he said with no emotion in his voice. I nodded as he walked away, I quickly got dressed and made my way to the cafeteria. I walked up to the line of three people and slowly waited for my turn to get my plate of pancakes.

"Good morning dear" Carol said with a wide smile.

"Good morning Carol, how are you this morning" I said returning a smile

" I'm doing pretty good, here don't tell anyone I'm giving you this apple Juice" She whispered winking at me

" Thanks Carol, I won't" I whispered back and waved goodbye. I walked over to Ricks table as he waved for me to sit. I placed my food in front of me and smile at Rick as he smiled at me.

" Lexi, I just wanted to thank you" He smiled eating a piece of his pancakes.

" For what Rick" I was wondering why he was thanking me?

" Carl is almost himself and it's nice to see him smile" He whispered looking at Carl.

" Oh, that has nothing to do with me" I lied

 He chuckled and began to speak again. " Well, will you go on a run with Carl and Daryl right after you finish your pancakes"

" Yea of course" I smiled and continued to eat my breakfast.

After my pancakes were deliciously devoured, I made my way to the front gates where Daryl and Carl were already waiting. "Wow their fast, ugh I need to wake up earlier," I thought to myself. I quickly grabbed a gun holder from hanging on the fence.

" Took you long enough" Carl muttered only loud enough for me to hear. I sighed and grabbed a couple more bullets loading them into my gun. Carl and I jumped in the car, Carl sitting in the front while I sat in the back. Daryl nodded and we nodded back as he drove away from the prison.
" Where exactly are we going," I said buckling up my seat belt.

" A couple miles out, to an abandon convenience store" Daryl calmly said keeping his eyes on the road. After that the ride was quiet, no one dared to talk because the silence was very peaceful and much needed. I began to look out the window, seeing the beautiful fall colored leaves gently swaying back and fourth before hitting the ground. The birds seemed very happy flying above me from any harm of danger, birds are the lucky creatures they can fly above the terrible place we call our world and chirp their happy songs sometimes. I wish I was a bird soaring through the beautiful soft clouds watching the mixture of Orange, yellow, purple, and blue scatter across the sky to form a gorgeous sunset.
The car suddenly came to a stop making my body fly forwards.
"We're here" Daryl laughed noticing that my seat belt broke because of his damn driving.

"Haha so funny, let's go," I said with a fake smile. I could hear Carl snickering as I walked up to the convenience store. Daryl did the usually counting to three then busting through the door killing two walkers but what happened next was unsuspected. A man in his 40's or 50's jumped out from behind a shelf and stabbed Daryl in the arm immediately leading to a scream and the man's death.
The run just kept getting worse after the attack.

"Walkers, let's go" Daryl screamed, but it was too late Carl and I were trapped and Daryl had already left us behind. Carl quickly shot six down making a gap for us to get away, he grabbed my hand making me run a mile a minute. Until we came across a house. we cleared it in no time and just sat there in disbelief. 

Six minutes after they settled down at a house 

"Carl we need to get food and supplies" I yelled marching to grab a bag I found in the living room.
"No, we need to stay here rest, and tomorrow we will go" He yelled back snatching the bag right out of my hand. I grabbed the bag and glared at his blue eyes. 

"I'm still going if you're coming or not" I sigh walking out the door shutting it behind me.  I swear that boy can be such a pain sometimes. Sometimes I don't know why I put up with him.

I could hear a muffled swear but I just ignored it and kept walking until after about 20 minutes of walking I saw a small convenience store. I run up to a middle aged walker jabbing my knife into its skull. I quickly ran into the store killing another walker on the way.  I walked to the food aisle, opening my bag shoving a couple cans of tomato soup inside. I began to suddenly hear a ticking sound. My head peered over to see a black box fixed on the far wall. There was a red beeping light and I recognized it as a military bomb. My eyes widened in shock as I jumped to get away. Ducking under a nearby table, I cover my head and got down as low as I possibly could. Sooner or later, my life flashed before my eyes, and a huge explosion devastated the store. Devastating everything in it's path, throwing chunks of debris in every way. After the explosion, my sight was blurry and I could hear a ringing in my ear. I sighed looking at the terrible looking store. There was a sudden noise, it sounded like a cry but not any ordinary cry. It was soft, so pure. Then it hit me.

A baby

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