Chapter 4 - Memories

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"Jagiya... Please I'm sorry..." Jimin tried to apologize to you, but you were stubborn not wanting to hear it. Jimin kept bothering you until you were tired of holding the grudge against Jimin so you let him explain himself. Jimin takes a deep breath and sighs as he let's it out again.

"Listen, I know this might sound crazy but we...we actually knew each other before you came to Korea."

What do you mean we knew each other before I came here? I don't remeber going to any of your concerts or anything. You ponder what Jimin means as your anger slowly melts away to confusion.

"You actually lived in Korea and you got into an accident when you were about 8 years old and you had severe damage to your head. Which resulted in amnesia and you... You forgot everything..." Jimin's voice cracked as he said the last sentence. His hands shook as he clasped them together.

Accident? Amnesia? How do you think I'm supposed to believe something like that?

"Oppa I get that you want me to forgive you but stop making up stories!" You shake your head in disbelief.

Jimin lets out a strained laugh as he begins talking again,"I knew that you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but it's the truth. That's also why I wanted your parents to let you go to this program. They agreed to slowly let you collect your childhood memories back since they couldn't hide it from you forever." Jimin slips his hand into his pocket, pulls out his phone and dials your parents' number.

My parents... So that's was why they encouraged me to do this program so much...

You let this drift about in your head as your parents pick up the call. "We're so sorry we couldn't have told you sooner it's just that we didn't want you to have to suffer from what happened in the past." Your mother's voice was filled with regret and despair.

"We wanted you to only have happy memories and live your life full of joy, not with pain and anguish." Your father tries to explain this to you without evoking to much anger and confusion. The conversation continues as your parents explain they were only protecting you and that it was for your own good.

"I don't understand why they would hide this from me after all these years!" Your parents had hung up and left Jimin to explain everything to you.

"Jagiya if you were them you would understand how they must've felt having to bear with lying to their own child." You nod trying to think about it.

"Well it doesn't matter I just want to know about what happened to me in the past." You sit a little anxious from what you were about to hear. 

"It all started from when you were being picked on by a few classmates in kindergarten. They only acted like that because you were adored by all of the teachers and everyone loved you because of your sweet personality. Those girls were always cornering you after school at the playground, and one day I saw one of them hit you." Jimin's hand curled up into a fist as he said this.

"I-I remeber now her name was...Oh! Her name was Jae-Hwa!" You suddenly stop talking and remember Jae-Hwa from school yesterday.

"Wait Jae-Hwa! She was the girl from yesterday wasn't she?!" Your blood boils just thinking about her. Jimin scratches his head and nods.

"Yeah it's the same Jae-Hwa, she was always jealous of you even as a child." Jimin looks up at you giving you a weak smile.

"She... She was the cause of your accident, but there were no charges pressed against her because her family was wealthy and had political power."

"WHAT?! You mean to tell me I got into an accident! Got amnesia and no charges were pressed against her?!" Emotions start to swell inside of you unable to escape.

"I know, I know, but there really wasn't anything your parents could have done. They didn't have the money to file a lawsuit and pay for your medical bills." Jimin explains.

"Anyways, when I saw Jae-Hwa hit you I couldn't help but step in and help you. Ever since I stood up to them they stopped and we became close friends, our families became fond of each other too." Jimin smiles as he retells all the memories of your childhood and how your friendship has grown.

"Finally, the day of the accident..." Jimin stops for a moment and continues,"I remember it was about 3 in the afternoon and we were walking home from school together. I walked you to your street and we parted ways walking home. From what I have heard you made it home safely, and later you were walking to my house to give me a present for my birthday." Jimin smiled at the thought, but it quickly vanished and became a frown as he remembered what happened next.

"I think I remember the present I was going to give you. It was a threaded bracelet with two little charms: one a little boy, and the other a little girl, it represented the two of us as a friendship bracelet, right?" Jimin's grin crawls back onto his face as he nods.

"It was the most precious and thoughtful present I had ever received!" Jimin smiles at you overjoyed.

"It was a beautiful present I never received that day because of Jae-Hwa." he said bitterly.

"While you were walking to my house you had to cross a busy intersection to get to my street and..." Jimin's voice fades out, but he continues.

"And Jae-Hwa somehow she followed you and she...She pushed you into the street..." Jimin looks down as he clenches his fists angrily from what Jae-Hwa did.

"When you stumbled into the street you were hit by a motorcycle and the doctors said you were lucky it was a motorcycle and not a car or else you'd be dead."

You remember the odd memories from yesterday and they start to become clearer and start to all play out in one large memory. The boy who had leaned over you crying was Jimin and it was Jimin saying those things. It all came together now and you understood why Jimin had acted the way he did the past few days.

"I remember the charm bracelet too! You gave it to me on my 7th birthday because I told you liked baby animals!" ____ grinned at the thought and looked down at her wrist at the bracelet.

"Thank you, Oppa. I mean it." You smile and wrap your arms around him as you give him a peck on the cheek.

Jimin was caught off guard, but enjoyed the affection and hugged you back, pulling you in close.

"Jagiya, I'm so happy I could see your smiling face once more..."Jimin smiles as he kisses your cheek. You giggle and pull away from Jimin as he is about to grab you. You spend the day catching up with one another over the past few years.


Yay! Jimin and
reader-chan are getting
along now! '• • '
Jae-Hwa is a meanie too!
How could she?!
I'm sorry for not updating
in awhile guys!!  〒△〒
Hope you guys enjoyed
this new chapter! ('')

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