Chapter 13 - Strangers

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While you walked you found a window and as you looked outside you could see all kinds of shrubbery and trees as far as the naked eye could see. You saw in the distance that the sky was turning a mellow orange and realized you should hurry home before someone starts worrying. You started speed walking and soon enough sprinting when you found the front door.

I'm finally free! I thought I'd never find my way out of here!

As soon as you flung the door open you saw a couple very shocked and confused as to who you were, and why you were in their house. You immediately felt your head aching again and grabbed your forehead as it started to throb. You started to crumple down on the floor and almost blacked out, but you stayed only half-conscious. The couple panicked and called Young-Soo to help explain what was going on and why you were even here in the first place. After what felt like an hour you opened your eyes to see everyone's faces wash over with relief as you sat up straight.

"Oh ____, I'm so glad you woke up dear, we were so worried!" The woman said as she gave you a cup of warm tea.

"Thank you ma'am. Um, but who are you?" A gentle smile spread across her face as she told you that she and the man were Young-Soo's parents. You were taken aback since the couple looked so young, they looked maybe only a decade older than you and Young-Soo.

"It's a pleasure to meet you--er rather see you again ____." Young-Soo's father chuckled. You nodded and smiled as the memories flowed more easily back to you this time. After a little chatting you exchanged phone numbers with Young-Soo's parents and Young-Soo took you home before sundown.

"I'm hom--" Before you could even finish once again Jimin wrapped you in a tight hug as he pushed his face into your neck.

"Why didn't you call me? You disappeared after school and I was so worried something happened to you!" Jimin said as he let go of you.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't turn on my phone. It's okay though I was just talking to Young-Soo's parents earlier." You instantly regretted bringing up Young-Soo and waited for Jimin to reply.

"Oh, really? I haven't seen them in so long, I wondered if they even aged for awhile when I was young." He laughed to himself thinking about it and you were relieved.

"It's late you should rest we have school tomorrow." You said as you had him follow you upstairs. He was protesting but you got the better of him and he went to bed.

After school you went to BTS' practice since you didn't have much homework assigned that night. You sat on the floor leaning back on the wall as you watched them dance, sing, and rap for their upcoming concerts. As they were about to wrap up practice you went out to get them drinks and snacks. When you walked out of the company building you saw a large group of girls outside watching to see if any of the members might come out. You tried to hurry past them without making a scene to avoid the drama that threatened. But of course luck wasn't always in your favor.

"Hey, isn't that ____? Unnie! You're so lucky!" One girl had yelled as the rest turned to look. You stopped and turned around walking towards the girls, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Ah, I guess I should've known I'd get recognized." You said laughing lightly as you tugged at the scarf around your neck.

"It's so cold out, you girls shouldn't be standing out here you'll catch a cold, it's the middle of winter." You tried to persuade them to go home before they got sick.

"No way! If you left the company building that must mean that oppa is inside, right?" Another girl piped up.

"Okay, I know you girls absolutely adore BTS, but it's getting late and it will get colder. I don't want you all getting colds from standing out here, so how about I get you girls some hot cocoa instead, hmm?" You said as you directed your attention to a nearby coffee shop.

"Aww, but I really want to see them!"

"This might be my only chance!"

"I don't have money for concerts!"

"Just saying 'hi' is enough for me!"

"I'd rather catch a cold and see them, than go home healthy and never see them!"

You sighed heavily and gave up persuading them as you bought the boys their drinks and snacks. Jimin smiled when you gave him his water, and the other members thanked you for being so considerate.

"Just to warn you there was a pretty big group of girls outside so you might want a few security guards in case they start to mob you." You warned as you sipped your hot cocoa.

"No, I don't think we'll need it, we can just say 'hi' and they'll probably be happy with that." Jimin replied as he chugged his water.

"I don't think they'll be that crazy. Usually it's worse at the concerts anyways." Namjoon added as he thought back to previous concerts. You made small talk and after the guys relaxed a bit, all of you headed home.

"Look it's them!" A girl in the group shouted. They started to run towards the boys and slowed down after a few security guards stepped out.

"I thought you didn't need the security guards, who called them out?" You looked at Jimin who shrugged and concluded it was the manager. The boys waved, said 'hello', made hand hearts, and blew kisses before getting in the car. Before you got in you told them to have hot soup when they got home and to wear warmer clothes since it was getting colder. You smiled when they all chirped a cute 'okay' in reply.

After you showered and ate dinner practically everyone passed out from exhaustion. The next day you went through you're same routine of school, BTS practice, and home. Today was different though you had a unfamiliar phone call from a strange number.

"Yeoboseyo?" You said as you answered the call.

"Is this ____?" A husky deep voice replied.

"Yes, this is ____ speaking. And who are you?" You felt slightly nervous.

"You don't need to know that. All you need to know is that Jae-Hwa sent this message, 'If you don't back down there will be consequences.'" The stranger ended the call.


Reader-chan is so sweet
to think of those poor
girls in the cold!
And who was that
stranger on the phone?!
Find out next time on
Don't Let Go!

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