Chapter 14 - Consequences

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You sat down at the couch thinking over the words the man told you.

What does he mean by consequences? Why does Jae-Hwa always have to take away my happiness?

You were overwhelmed with questions and emotions that welled up inside of you. It was close to the last day of school and you felt worried that Jae-Hwa might try to pull another stunt. You tried cheered yourself up by Skyping Pheona.

"Yah! Why haven't you texted or called me in like forever?" She asked furrowing her eyebrow.

"Mian, lots of crazy stuff has happened here because of Jae-Hwa." You explained.

"Mwo? Jae-Hwa? No way, why isn't that lunatic in jail?!" She basically yelled.

"I'm not sure either but, my parents said something about Jae-Hwa's family being very powerful or something." You said as you thought back to their call.

"Aish! Seriously, ____ you're so oblivious sometimes! How could Jae-Hwa's family possibly be powerful when they're all dead?" She shook her head in frustration.

"I...I'll text you later. I gotta go now." You said as you saw her nod.

You shut your laptop and grabbed your phone and once again got a strange call from an unfamiliar number.

"Yeoboseyo?" You said cautiously awaiting an answer from the other end.

"____, I'll warn you once again, If you don't back down there will be consequences." The same husky voice replied and ended the call.

You decided that it was best to alert the authorities about the threats you have been receiving. As you entered the police station you talked to the woman who you assumed to be some sort of secretary, since she was sitting behind a desk with forms and papers.

"I'm sorry to bother you Miss, but I'd like to file a report. Do you know where I can do that?" You asked.

"Hm? Oh, please speak to Officer Lee over there." She pointed to a young man in uniform sorting papers on his desk. You nodded, walked over to the police officer and waved a hand to get his attention from the piles of paper on his desk.

"Ah, sorry, did you need anything, miss?" He said while looking up.

After filing the report you thanked the officer and he told you to stay safe. As you left the station you checked your phone to see a text from Jimin.

Jagiya, I know that you might be really shocked, but as soon as you get home we need to talk.
|Dismiss|  |Reply|

You quickly replied and caught a taxi to get home quicker than the bus. As you walked into the house you saw the boys all crowded in the living room murmuring to each other and they all went silent when they saw you.

"____. I'm sorry." Jimin hugged you tightly as he let his chin rest on your head and your head was snuggled against his chest.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" You said a little bit muffled. The boys suddenly surround you and Jimin, creating a large group hug. After they all let go, everyone sat down and they all explained how they had to go on tour for a few months.

"6 months isn't that long. Considering we were apart for nearly 7 years." You said trying to be optimistic.

"I'm so sorry I have to leave you like this..." Jimin averted his eyes not looking at you. You hugged him and squeezed his cheeks like you did back then, making him smile. You coughed and nudged Jimin after he was about to kiss you in front of everyone.

"Erm, you guys should get ready you're leaving tomorrow and you need to pack and stuff..." You said trying to make the atmosphere a little less awkward.

"Oh, um, yeah we should get going." Jimin said as he got up and pecked you quickly on the lips when he saw everyone leave the room. Afterwards you showered, ate, and went to bed.

The next morning you weren't able to concentrate as well as normally and figured because Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung weren't there. You dreaded going to class because Jae-Hwa had started coming to school again.

"Oh my god, did you see the new guy?  He is sooooo hot!" You overheard as a few girls walked past you to the lunchroom. You shrugged it off since you didn't care too much and just went to the lunchroom to eat with Talia. Near the end of lunchtime you saw a familiar face as he walked towards you and Talia.

"Hey, are all the girls here like this?" Young-Soo laughed pointing to nearly half of the girls in the room staring at him. You shrugged and Talia replied saying that they really like pretty boys especially when they're used to having Bangtan around all the time.

"So what are you doing here anyways?" You asked as the three of you walked back to class.

"Well I'm only here because I got a call from Jimin." He replied casually.

"Mwo? Jimin?" You said confused.

"Yeah, we made up this morning and I know what happened now so I'm not angry at Jimin anymore just Jae-Hwa."

"Did he send you here because he's going off on tour?" You asked already partially knowing the answer.

"Well yeah, and also because I'm a student here now." You didn't realize until now that Young-Soo was in the school uniform.

After hours of information being crammed in your brain, it was time to leave. You gathered you're things and put some stuff away in your locker but stopped midway when you heard a cough from behind you. You turned around to see Myung-Hee standing there a little bit shy since she hid her face. You shut your locker and asked her what she needed.

"____..." She said softly on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong, did Jae-Hwa do something to you?" You tried to calm her down.

"Jae-Hwa s-she said that she won't let you have Jimin, a-and that she won't stop until she w-wins." Myung-Hee hiccuped and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Myung-Hee please don't worry, I'll be fine just take care of yourself, okay? I know what a mean person Jae-Hwa can be." You said comforting her and wiping her tears.

"Yah! Myung-Hee! What did I say about talking to her?!" Jae-Hwa furiously grabbed Myung-Hee away from you as Myung-Hee let's out a shriek when Jae-Hwa whispered something in her ear. Myung-Hee quickly runs out of the school and turns around one time to look at you as if in an apologetic way.

"What do you think you're doing with my little sister, huh?!" Jae-Hwa snarled at you. Before you could answer she grabbed you by the collar and slammed you onto one of the lockers behind you. You twisted her arm and pulled it behind her back locking her from moving but, you felt someone yank your other arm making you let go of Jae-Hwa as they pinned your arms behind your back.

"I thought I told you there were going to be consequences."


Aww poor reader-chan
she's going to be lonely without
BTS there! T ^ T
Who is this mystery person
that keeps warning
Find out next time on
Don't Let Go!

A/N: Finally here is the long awaited update I hope you guys enjoy~~

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