Chapter 18 - Smile

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You smiled as you watched Jimin happily trot over to you after his performance. You handed him a water bottle and patted his neck and forehead with a towel.

"Thanks, Jagiya~~" He cooed sweetly.
You nodded as you placed the damp towel down as you grabbed a clean one.

"Jimin, after the concert I want to talk to you, okay?" You questioned as you bit your lip a little.

"Hm? Oh, sure. Why? Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly. You shook your head as you smiled warmly at him. He seemed to stay oblivious which pained you but, also slightly relieved you. You thought it better to tell him earlier rather than wait until time's up and break his heart without an explanation. Young-Soo was scared for their friendship and decided to talk with Jimin about the arranged marriage as well.

Late into the afternoon all of you had made it home and everyone went their separate ways either showering, eating, or passing out. After Jimin had eaten and showered you had him and Young-Soo come to your room to speak privately.

"Jimin, there's, um, there's something we need to tell you." You swallowed hard as you looked at him pained.

"This really was all out of our control, I'm sorry it has to be this way." Young-Soo said strained.
Jimin in return gave a puzzled expression.

"Jimin, Young-Soo and I are..." You trailed off as your eyes started to sting.

"Getting married." Young-Soo finished your sentence. Jimin's eyes immediately drooped as he sighed as if he knew.

"B-but we aren't getting married yet... It's in a few months." You squeaked.

"Yeah, and well... This is just an arranged marriage by our parents." Young-Soo's voice was tight as he slightly grit his teeth.

"It's fine." Jimin said flatly as he ran a hand through his hair. "I knew something like this would happen."

"But how?" Young-Soo asked shocked.

"If I didn't know about the accident then I wouldn't have thought something like this could happen." He said nibbling on the inside of his cheek.

"____'s parents owe your parents a great deal for saving their daughter's life and also saving them from Jae-Hwa so, I thought it only natural for your parents to want something in return. I guess this is just the way they want the favor returned." Jimin shrugged as he flopped onto your bed.

"Yah! How can you be so calm about your girlfriend and best friend getting married, huh?!" You said irritably.

"I know that eventually something will work itself out and you'll be free of the marriage." He said chuckling making you smack his chest resulting in him wincing in pain.

"Aish, yah, Park Jimin are you serious right now? Have you met my parents before? Once they stick to something they won't change their mind afterwards!" Young-Soo said.

"They'll have to change their mind when I find you the perfect 'wife' won't they?" Jimin said clicking his tongue. You looked over at him and he just smiled innocently, as if nothing happened.

"What are you planning?" You asked as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"You'll see, Jagiya~~" He said as a smirk spread across his face.

After your odd conversation with Jimin you showered and got ready for bed. As you left the bathroom your room was dark but, you decided not to flip the lights on since you were going to sleep anyways. When you slipped under the sheets you were met by two warm arms wrapping around your waist as a face nuzzled against the crook of your neck.

"Yah, Jimin why aren't you sleeping in your own bed?"

"Just for tonight, Jagiya~~" He said sleepily.

"Okay, just make sure to set an alarm this time. Jin oppa's scolding reminds me so much of my mother it's scary." You said shivering. He laughed into your neck, making his warm breath spread across the nape of your neck. You fell asleep in his warm embrace curling up into his chest.

You woke up to the loud beeping of the alarm and groaned as you unlatched yourself from Jimin to turn it off. You decided to let Jimin sleep since he would have to perform later and he needed as much rest as he could possibly get. After finishing up your morning routine you made breakfast and wrapped it up for the boys to eat it later and headed off to school.

--blah blah blah boring school--

The house was empty until the boys came back at around late afternoon soon bidding their goodbyes with you as they headed to Japan for their last month of concerts. They left later in the night and they offered to drop you off at Young-Soo's house to which you accepted.

"I'll be back soon, so be safe and text me, okay?" Jimin hugged you tightly smiling at you lovingly and gave you a goodbye kiss before going back into the van and waving to you as they drove away.

Ugh, your smile is so contagious.

As you stepped inside the house you noticed how cold you were so you grabbed an extra blanket from the closet before getting into bed. You walked silently through the dark halls as to not wake anyone and you felt around the walls using the moonlight that leaked through the windows to find your room. Crawling into bed you wrapped yourself in the blanket and started to drift off until you felt movement on the bed immediately alarming you. You quickly turned over to see Young-Soo laying on the bed half-asleep as he lazily slid his glasses onto the night stand.

"Y-yah." You poked his cheek as you sat up. "What are you doing here? Go back to your room." You nudged his arm and shook him lightly as his eyes started to open up.

"____? Why are you in my bed?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"What're you talk--" You stopped yourself as you remembered you couldn't see well so you probably ended up in Young-Soo's room on accident instead of your own.

"It doesn't matter though does it? We'll eventually get married and have to share a room anyways so, might as well get used to it." Young-Soo said turning onto his side to face you. You blushed not sure if he was teasing or not and defended yourself by using Jimin as an excuse to leave.

"I-it wouldn't be right, a-and besides it'd be awkward since we're friends." You laughed nervously as you got off the bed.

"Alright, here, don't wanna be freezing your butt off now." He smiled as he gestured towards the blanket. You smiled back, thankful that he was understanding and grabbed the blanket.

Before you could pick up the blanket Young-Soo grabbed your wrist and pulled you down so that you were laying next to him your head on his chest.

"Can you hear how fast it's beating?"


What is Jimin
planning? ﹏⊙
Does Young-Soo have
feelings for reader-chan?!
Find out next time on
Don't Let Go!

A/N: For my lovely readers I finally updated. I love you guys so much~~

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