Chapter 6 - Accidents Happen

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"Oppa! We have to leave now or we're going to be late!" You quickly grab Jimin's wrist and drag him out of the house. You both make it on time to school with barely seconds to spare.

"Alright class as everyone is fully aware, we are having our annual Spring Festival here at School of Performing Arts Seoul! Of course each class will have to prepare a unique booth of their choice that will go with this year's theme: Flowers. Our class representatives will discuss booth plans at the end of the day so make sure to think up of some good ideas!" Miss Gyeong finished her announcement and continued on with class.

The bell rang and everyone flooded into the hallways making their way to the lunchroom.

"Jagiya, let's eat lunch together!" Jimin grinned as he stood up. You head to the lunchroom together as Taehyung and Jungkook chat with Talia on their way.

"Yah! ____! What do you think you're doing?!" Jae-Hwa stands in front of you, hand on hip as she narrows her eyes.

"What do you want Jae-Hwa?" You don't want Jae-Hwa to start a commotion so you try to stay calm.

"What I want is for you to stay away from Jimin, got it?!" She turns away from you and looks at Jimin, immediately changing her attitude.

"Oppa why are you hanging out with someone like her?" She whines and grabs Jimin's arm. Jimin sighs as he prys Jae-Hwa's hands off of his arm.

"Listen Jae-Hwa leave my girlfriend alone, because I really don't want to have to tell you twice." Jimin replies coldly.

"What? Oppa you're dating her?!"
Jae-hwa tries to process what she just heard from Jimin.

"I'm done talking Jae-Hwa. Just a bit of advice, but don't you dare lay a single finger on ____." Jimin turns away from Jae-Hwa and takes your hand as he leads you out of the lunchroom. He lets go of your hand when you arrive at an empty room. 

"____, I don't want you to be treated like this just because you're my girlfriend. Why can't they just be happy for you instead of treating you like that?" Jimin sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. He turns to look at you and pulls you close as he rests his chin on your shoulder.

"Don't worry about me so much and worry more about your upcoming concerts. I'm fine, really." You stroke his hair and hug him tightly, reassuring him as you do this. He gives you one last squeeze before letting go.

"Jagiya, please, please tell me if anything is wrong." You nod and give him a peck on the cheek before both of you return to class. The day progressed slowly, and you finally finished class as everyone waited for the class representatives to start talking.

"So Myung-Hee and I have come up with a few ideas so I'll let everyone vote on their favorites, unless somebody has an idea in mind." Hyun-Shik passed out slips of paper with three options on them:

Bouquet Booth [ ]
Flower Crown Booth [ ]
Lei Making Booth [ ]

Everyone checks off which booth they wanted and handed the slips back so Myung-Hee and Hyun-Shik could tally up the votes.

"Alright so for Bouquet Booth we have 7 votes, Flower Crown Booth we have 13 votes,and for Lei making booth we have 5 votes. So Flower Crown Booth wins!" Myung-Hee and Hyun-Shik take the votes to Miss Gyeong as everyone leaves to go home for the day.

On your way to your locker Jae-Hwa stands in front of you with her arms crossed while a few of her friends surround you.

Aish! You are just another level of low aren't you Jae-Hwa! You thought to yourself.

You sigh as you try to push past one of her freinds as they grab your shoulder and push you back.

"What? You think you can just leave after your little stunt with Jimin?" Jae-Hwa sneers at you as she steps closer.

"So you think that now you and Jimin are reunited you can just steal him away from me?" Jae-Hwa's freinds start to step closer to you as she says this.

"Jae-Hwa. You do realize you almost killed me back then, and now that I'm with Jimin you say I'm stealing him? I don't recall Jimin ever liking you, even when we were kids so why do you still try?" You look at Jae-Hwa questionably.

"Why do I try you ask? Oh, it's really simple. It's all because--"

"Whatever the reason I'm not going to let you lay a finger on her." Jimin cuts Jae-Hwa off as he takes your hand and leads you away from the crowd

"____." Jimin let's go of your hand as soon as the both of you are outside of the school. You can't help but stare at the ground not able to meet his gaze. Jimin sighs and runs his hand through his hair as he takes a deep breath.

"I'm going to protect you no matter what, so please tell me when you're in trouble or danger." You nod, still staring at the ground.

"Maybe we should...break up. I think it's for the best since I'll only make trouble for you." You feel your heart being wrenched by the words that just left your mouth. Jimin is taken aback still processing everything.

"W-what? No you would never be trouble for me! ____, please I can't lose you again!" You shake your head as you fight back the tears that threaten to fall.

"This is for the both of us not just me, so please understand." Your voice was shaking and you started to feel weak. You look up at him finally meeting his eyes, which were filled with pain and hurt. You wrap your arms around him hugging him tight and you lean in giving him one last kiss before letting go. "I'm sorry." Those were the last words you could say before your tears fell like raindrops.

You made it home before Jimin, and you quickly made your way to your room avoiding everyone. Suddenly you were surprised from someone knocking on your door.

"____! Jimin hasn't come home yet everyone's really worried. Do you think he could have gone somewhere after school?" Jin had a panicked and worried face as he bombarded you with questions.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen him since I left school." Your heart ached just thinking about him. Jin noticed your tear streaked face.

"____ did something happen during school? Why are you crying?" Tears start to well up in your eyes thinking about what happened.

"I-I broke up with him, because I knew I'd be trouble for him." You sniff wiping your tears away.

Suddenly Rap Monster ran into the room exclaiming,"Jimin got into an accident! He's in critical condition at Seoul National University Hospital! Hurry he's going into surgery soon!"


How could this have happened?!
What will happen to Jimin?
How will reader-chan cope
with Jae-Hwa and her breakup?
Find out next time on
Don't Let Go!

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