Chapter 7 - Overcome

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Tears start to stream down your face as you see the life get drained from Jimin's eyes. You grasp his hand ever so firmly as if it would keep him alive while you whisper prayers under your breath. The machine beeps and his heart beat stops as he breathes his last while his eyes shut for the last time. "Jimin!" Your voice trembles as his body remains lifeless.

"wake up." You hear a murmur, a voice that was so faint you could barely hear it. "Wake up." The voice grows louder and more clear. "Wake up!" It has become a scream by now.

You jolt straight up from your bed banging your head against Jin's forehead.

"Oww!" You rub your head and suddenly remember the dream.

"Ah, sorry about that. I was trying to wake you up because it seemed like you were having a nightmare again." Jin said apologetically and also unfazed from the hit on his forehead.

"Oh, it was a dream." You gave out a sigh of relief.

"Anyways you should hurry before you're late for school since you've already missed so much." Jin left the room so you could get ready and shut the door softly.

Another nightmare huh? How many has it been this week already?

You sighed at the thought as you dragged yourself out of bed and got ready for school.

- A few weeks prior -

Everyone had rushed to the hospital to see Jimin's condition after he had been in a hit and run incident. All the members and staff came to see Jimin after he had recovered a little from surgery. At first, his blood pressure kept dropping and he kept internally bleeding, but after a few days he finally stabilized.

"Excuse me, Miss?" The doctor had called you over to speak with him.

"Yes? What is it Dr. Lee?" You turned to look at him.

"Well in the state that the patient is in it would be helpful if he heal physically and also mentally. While in this state it would be best to keep family and loved ones by his side to help him have a quicker recovery. Although he can't move he can still hear and see so we would like to keep someone here who can accompany him most of the day. Just to make sure he is stable and recovers quickly. Do you think any of his immediate family or close friends can stay with him for about a week at the hospital?"

You thought it over knowing BTS would be busy with work so you didn't consider. While the staff would have to work on new songs, new clothes, and new concept so you didn't consider them either. Jimin's family is in Busan and you know that they have a business there so they wouldn't be able to leave for a whole week but a few days. You didn't want anyone else to look after Jimin thinking he got into this accident because of you. You put all the blame on yourself therefore you thought you should bear the consequences.

"Actually I think that I can look after Jimin since everyone else has a tight schedule." You said.

"I see, but wouldn't you like to ask the others as well? I'm sure you have other things to do as well, like school or work." You nodded and asked around if anyone had time to watch over him. Jungkook and Taehyung volunteered to look after him after school, while Jin offered two days that week. Everyone else had offered a few hours a day since they had other things to do. You agreed and took care of Jimin for the remainder of the days nobody else could.

You sighed and sat back down as you dozed off a bit since it was nearly 1 in the morning.


"Aish! I'm trying to sleep! Go away!"
You grumpily said.

"Arraseo I guess you don't want to talk to Jimin hyung then." Jungkook said.

"What?! He woke up?!" You jumped excitedly.

Jungkook laughed and rustled your hair while he nodded and pointed to Jimin laying on a stretcher. You stood up and ran over to Jimin while you patted down your hair.

"Oppa! I'm so sorry, and I should've never done that to you I hate myself for it! I'm so glad you're okay!" You fought back the tears that threatened to fall as you squeezed his hand.

"It's alright." He was barely able to squeeze out the last word from his mouth.

You let go of his hand as the nurses pushed him into the surgery room to get operated on. The tears started to fall as you thought of how much pain he looked like he was in when he tried to talk. Jin and J-hope tried to cheer you up saying that Jimin would make it out fine. Soon enough Jimin was back in his hospital room recovering and was able to finally have visitors.

You sighed happy to see him in a better condition and also in higher spirits. Everyone had flocked to Jimin's room to see how he was doing, but of course many of them had to leave because of their regulated schedule. Awhile later after most people left you went in to talk to Jimin.

"Jimin." You smiled softly as you stroked his hair and held his hand. Jimin gave out a weak, but bright grin as he squeezed your hand. You spent the rest of the night with Jimin just talking and keeping him company.

"I'm sorry I made you go through that it was my fault. I was being selfish, and saving myself from the harm of others while throwing your feelings aside." You looked at him ashamed of your actions.

"It's not your fault. People should be supportive of us being a couple instead of bashing you for being with the one you love." Jimin smiled giving you the same cute smile as he did the first time you had met.

"So, ____ would you like to be my girlfriend once more?"


Uh oh seems like
reader-chan has been
having nightmares!
And it seems Jimin and
reader-chan are a couple
again! ٩(˃̶͈̀ ˂̶͈́)۶
Find out more next time on
Don't Let Go!

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