Chapter 9 - Old Wounds

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You yawned and rolled over to your side to see what time it was as you rubbed your eyes.

| 10:43 |

Mwo?! You thought as you started to panic thinking you were late to school, but soon realizing it was the weekend. As you got out of bed you slipped on some slippers and headed over to Jimin's room. You knocked softly on his door and entered as you heard him say,"Come in." groggily.

"Sorry for waking you." You said as you stroked his hair.

"It's alright, but why are you up so early?" Jimin turned over to look at you.

"I dunno I just woke up and I wanted to see you." You said blushing. He chuckled at your response and sat up as he gave you a peck on the cheek. "Since we're up might as well eat." Jimin said as he ran a hand through his hair. You nodded and got up to go to the bathroom.

You stopped at the bottom of the staircase as you took a whiff of something delicious. Jin was in the kitchen making pancakes and waffles so everyone could choose to their preference. You smiled as you took a seat next to Jimin and Namjoon.

"Masidda!" You chirped after taking a bite of your breakfast. Jin smiled and nodded at your comment. As everyone finished up eating you offered to clean up with Jin with which he thanked you for the help.

Afterwards you found Jimin in the living room reading a book and you laid down using Jimin's leg as a pillow. You started whimpering trying to get his attention away from the book.

"Hmm? What is it?" You sat up and asked him to close his book to talk to you.

"About you and Young-Soo... Are you guys not friends anymore? Because you were acting weird whenever I brought him up." Jimin tensed up after hearing Young-Soo's name, but finally sighed and started explaining to you.

"Young-Soo is... How do I say this?" Jimin looked around as if he was looking for the answer somewhere on the wall. His expression changed slightly but he started talking again.

"Yeah, youre right, we aren't friends anymore..." He trailed off as he murmured something under his breath. "It was around 3 years ago back in high school when it happened."

- 3 years prior -

"Yo! What's up man?" Young-Soo slung an arm around Jimin's shoulder. "Dude you won't believe what happened to me!" Jimin beamed with excitement. "I got accepted into Big Hit! And they said I'll be debuting soon!" Young-Soo congratulated him as they both made their way to class.

As Young-Soo and Jimin took their seats Jae-Hwa leaned against Young-Soo's desk as she flirted with him per usual.

"Oppa let's just skip class today and have some fun~" She whined. Jimin rolled his eyes at the two making barfing gestures to Young-Soo. Young-Soo laughed as he told Jae-Hwa to sit down and that they could hangout after school.

"Hey I'm gonna go on a date with Jae-Hwa today. Sorry for bailing on you man." Young-Soo scratched the back of his neck showing guilt.

"Nah it's alright I actually have practice today so this works out perfectly for both of us. Honestly though, dude why are you even dating her? She's not a good person to say the least." Jimin said concerned.

"I get that you and her don't have the greatest history together, but it's my choice who I want to date so stop nagging it's annoying." Young-Soo spat at Jimin. Jimin shook his head as he put a hand on Young-Soo's shoulder.

"Whatever man, but remember I've always got your back okay?" Young-Soo nodded and walked away as Jimin watched him until he disappeared.

Jimin made his way to the practice room and started up his dance routine for their song. After hours of practice he finally made it home nearly passing out on the couch but before he was about to fall asleep someone was ringing the doorbell.

"Aish. Who is it?" As he turned the doorknob the door flung open revealing a sobbing Jae-Hwa.

"Jimin!" She immediately latched onto Jimin crying into his chest.

"Jae-Hwa?! Woah, calm down what's wrong? Where's Young-Soo? I thought you were with him." She pulled away from Jimin as he took her to the couch to sit down and talk.

"I-It was Young-Soo! H-He tried to attack me when I wanted to break up with him! I ran here to get away from him but he's coming!" She hiccuped while trying to speak.

What? Young-Soo would never do that though. I know him better than anyone else and I can tell that he likes Jae-Hwa a lot. So why?

Jimin tried to sort out the situation in his head when he heard someone banging on the door.

"YAH! JIMIN OPEN UP THIS DOOR NOW!" Young-Soo's voice was slightly muffled but everyone heard it. Jimin stood up to open the door but Jae-Hwa grabbed his hand stopping him.

"Please don't!" Jae-Hwa begged him and by now she stopped crying but obviously showed fear. Jimin shook her hand off and opened the door to Young-Soo on the brink of snapping.

"I thought we were friends Jimin. But I guess I was an idiot to think someone like you would actually have my back. We were never friends to begin with so forget you ever knew me." Young-Soo was containing all his anger to say those last words. He looked at Jae-Hwa then at Jimin he turned and slammed the door shut.

As soon as Young-Soo left Jae-Hwa strode over to Jimin wrapping her arms around him and propping a kiss on his cheek.

"Oppa~ now that he's gone I'm all--" Jimin threw her arms off of him flinging her onto a nearby sofa.

"YOU! YOU DID THIS I KNOW YOU DID, WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUNG-SOO?! TELL ME NOW YOU WENCH!" Jae-Hwa sat up, still a bit shocked be Jimin raising his voice.

"What do you mean what did I do to him? I broke up with him to be with you, that's all." She said innocently. Jimin clenched his fist and grit his teeth as he pushed out the next words.

"Get out Jae-Hwa. I never want to see you again."

She stood up and walked out the door but before she did she turned and faced Jimin.

"I'm sure we'll meet again some day. I'll find you, and next time you'll be mine. I'll make sure of it."


Jae-Hwa was the one
behind this the whole
time! (^)
I hope Jimin and
Young-Soo make up!
Find out more next time on
Don't Let Go!

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