Bonus Chapter 3

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A/N: So since Hanuel grew up in Korea she speaks Korean and you taught her English so everyone will be speaking both languages. I'll be putting Korean in italics and English in normal font so you know what language they're speaking. Anyways enjoy~~

~In the U. S. A.~

"Eomma, appa!" You bolted towards your mother hugging her tightly as you did the same with your father.

"H-hello." Hanuel spoke shyly as she tested out her English.

"Ah, we finally get to meet in person." Your mother smiles hugging Hanuel looking over her features.

"She's beautiful." Your father smiled. "She looks just like you."

"Thank you. It's nice finally getting to meet you." She smiled, speaking fluently.

"Eomma! What about me? Do you miss me, appa?" Jimin whined to your parents.

"Aigoo, does my son-in-law miss me that much?" Your mother teased, hugging Jimin.

"Ah, where did those chubby cheeks go?" Your father joked as he patted his back. You caught up with your parents and had Hanuel spend some time with them as you showed everyone else around.

"If you ever want coffee there's a Starbucks nearby." You pointed to the cafe as Namjoon nodded translating for the others.

"Oh, and since we'll be in Florida we can go to Disney World." You smiled thinking back to old vacations.

"Didney Wurl?" Taehyung repeated with a thick accent making you snort.

"Anyways stay close to me so that you don't get lost. Namjoon and I will do the talking so, please if you need anything just ask us." You said looking at Jimin who just pouted in return.

"Ah, you are very no fun!" Hoseok whined.

"Yah! Keep complaining and I'll leave all of you here without your precious translator!" You threatened as you pulled Namjoon away from them.

~A few days later~

"Okay, where to first?" You looked at the map of the park in your hands before giving it to Hanuel.

"Can we go to the Animal Kingdom?" She asked as she pulled her cap down further.

"Sure. Also, make sure to put on lots of sunscreen we'll be here all day." You reminded as you lead them to the ticket booth.

"Wah, Daebak! Taehyung look it's you!" Jimin laughed as he pointed to a lion.

"Am I a kind lion?"

"No, you're just a normal big lion." Jimin smiled and signaled Taehyung to do something.

"____, could you show me where the restroom is?" Taehyung asked you.

"Oh, sure." You lead him to the bathroom and went back to the others to only find they all disappeared.

Where did they go?!

You thought to yourself as you looked around frantically searching for familiar faces.

"Excuse me, miss." An employee tapped you on the shoulder handing you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

"This is a present from your husband, Mr. Park Jimin. He also requests you meet him at this restaurant." He says as he hands you a small card with the restaurant address on it before bowing curtly and walking away.

"Aish, I'm going to kill you." You mumbled under your breath as you walked to the resturant since it was located in the park. As you were about to enter the resturant Melissa stopped you, putting her hands over your eyes.

"Jimin said that you can't see what he prepared just yet." She laughed to herself as you let out a huff and continued walking.

"Okie dokie we're here." She announced as she started to lift her hands from your face.

"Ta-da!" Jimin smiled as he planted a kiss on your lips. It seemed to be a private dining room that Jimin reserved and he had decorated it with all you favorite things plus wedding pictures.

"Happy Anniversary, Jagi~~" He smiled again making his eyes disappear.

"I hope you know that I had to help dad with this surprise or else it would have been a disaster." Hanuel said smugly as she sat down.

"Ah, thank you my precious daughter~" Jimin squeezed Hanuel in a hug.

"If you don't start eating I think Jin-hyung will eat it all." Namjoon laughed as everyone turned to see Jin stuffing his face.

"It's de--licious!" He said with his mouth slightly full. Everyone laughed and started eating eagerly since Jimin was paying for everything.

"Hey, jagi." Jimin poked your cheek to get your attention.

"Hm?" You turned to him.

"You're my butter half." He started to laugh hysterically as he slid the butter that was cut in half towards you with hearts carved on both of them.

"Oh my god." Hanuel and Amber said unison as they both watched in horror.

"Stop being so cheesy." You replied as you placed the cheese in front of him making him gasp for air.

"No! Mom not you too!" Hanuel cried as she covered her ears.

"Don't be such a downer and beet it." Jin joined in as he popped a beet in his mouth.

"It's infecting them, oh god!" Mark said terrified.

"You're kiwing me." Jimin said as he started to laugh again.

"I hate all of you." Melissa shook her head as she glared at you.

"But I love you so matcha!" You pouted making her roll her eyes.


A/N: I know I hate myself too, why am I like this? Anyways hope you enjoyed lol my puns were grate! Haha ok I'll stop now...One more bonus chapter until Don't Let Go will officially be over! Thanks for reading and 안녕~

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