Chapter 10 - Happiness~

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As you were sitting in your chair backstage you couldn't help but tap your feet nervously as the concert is about to end.

A/N: So we're back at present time just to let you guys know!

A few hours ago you had put on your best outfit and tried to recreate your best makeup look since today you were going to Jimin's concert to announce your relationship. You were nervous and of course you were anxious thinking out the worst case scenarios.

What if they stop going to their concerts?  They'll probably start bad mouthing Jimin and I on the internet! This could ruin his career!  What do I do?!

Those were the kinds of thoughts you kept having as you sat in the car on the way to the concert venue. Jimin on the other hand seemed pleasantly happy, more than usual.

"Jagiya! Yah, are you okay you look really pale!" Jimin asked with a worried face.

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah I'm fine just a little nervous." You kept twiddling your fingers and only took glances at Jimin ever so often. Jimin sighed and held your hand as he said,

"Don't worry I'll make sure no one harms you because we're dating. I also won't tolerate anyone who is against us dating either so relax okay? Don't worry so much you'll get wrinkles by the time your 30!" He teased you and you let out a giggle as you rested your head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his humming.

As you lift your head you saw that the sun was setting and it was almost time for the concert. You stretched and checked your phone what time it was,


You looked over the seat to see that everyone was asleep. You grabbed your phone to text Talia to see if she was already at the concert.

You: Hey are you at the concert yet?

・〃T͜͡a͜͡l͜͡i͜͡a͜͡ 〃・: Yeah I'm walking backstage right now I'll wait for you in their dressing room.

You: Okay, we'll be there soon.

・〃T͜͡a͜͡l͜͡i͜͡a͜͡ 〃・: See ya~♡

You: Bye~♡

You set down your phone as the stadium comes into view from on top of the bridge. You turn and gently shake Jimin's arm to wake him up.

"We're almost there you guys should get up." His eyes flutter open and he smiles when he sees you.

"Why is it that I always get to see a beautiful face whenever I wake up?" Jimin pushes a few strands of hair behind your ear and sits up straight. Your cheeks were flushed a bright red from Jimin's compliment, and Jimin chuckled at your flustered self.

Soon everyone woke up and you had made it to the stadium right on time. As you were walking backstage Jimin intertwined his fingers with yours as the both of you made it to the dressing room. When you opened the door you were greeted by the hair stylists and makeup crew as they hurried to get the boys ready for the concert. You sat down next to Talia and chatted while you waited for BTS to get ready. The two of you stopped talking when you heard a commotion coming from outside of the room.

You peeked outside of the room to see some security guards restraining what seemed to be a "fan". The girl kept on screaming something about Jimin, so you got closer to see what she was going off about.

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