Chapter 11ish (more like a fluff/filler chapter)

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You smiled to yourself as you saw fans posting pictures from the concert congragulating you and Jimin on announcing your relationship.

"I'm happy oppa found someone who loves him as much as we do!"

"She was so nice! And she was really understanding of us fans, I think that Jimin oppa really deserves her~~"

"She was so brave to announce their relationship, if I were her I'd be so scared!"

"I can't believe she had the nerve to do something like this! She obviously is just acting and trying to get everyone to like her so that she can steal Jimin away from everyone!"

Your smile faded after you read the last comment but you shook it off thinking only of the positive. You set your phone down as you went to the garden in the back to clear your mind. You sat down at the bench in the middle of the garden and listened to the water fountain's soft gurgle. You leaned your head back as you closed your eyes to relax and just listen to your surroundings. You were pulled out of your peaceful state when you heard the garden door creak open revealing Young-Soo.

You sat up and watched Young-Soo walk over to you, this time he had put on more formal clothing than last time. He sat next to you and leaned back resting his head on the bench not saying a word. You finally broke the silence and asked him why he was wearing suit and why he was here. He didn't move but responded to your question.

"I escaped one of my parents 'parties' and came here to get away from them." He said making air quotations. You cocked your head to the side and awaited his explanation.

"Their trying to set me up with their friends' daughters when they say their throwing 'parties'." He said as he sighed and sat up straight.

"Oh I'm sorry they're doing that to you, but why are they trying to arrange these dates?" You were curious and wanted to get to know Young-Soo more since you only had scraps of memories.

"Since I'm the heir to their company their trying to marry me off to one of their close friends' daughter so that I have a 'suitable' wife as CEO." You could see the resentment in his eyes.

"I'm sure you could always find a way around it right?" You tried to be hopeful for Young-Soo so that he had something to be happy about.

"There is one way, but that person is someone I won't use for my personal gain." The sun had started to set and you asked if it was alright for him to go back to his parents.

"I'll go back, but before I do. Here, I don't think you have my number and if you need anything drop by my place it's not as big as my parent's but it's enough." He gave you a small scrap of paper where he wrote his number and address. You nodded and waved goodbye as he left the garden.

"You should really remember to lock this y'know!" He shouted after he closed the gate.

"Okay! Thanks for telling me!" You yelled back. After locking up the gate you went inside to shower and eat. When you got downstairs everyone was home and Jin was making dinner.

"How come you guys got home so late today?" You asked as you grabbed a bowl to get food.

"We had lots of paparazzi after you and Jimin revealed your relationship." Rap Mon replied as he took a seat while Jin placed the food on the table.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that must be really tough with your tight schedule and all." You apologized for inconveniencing them.

"Ah, no it's fine we're used to it just more than usual, nothing we can't handle." J-hope reassured.

When you were about to take a seat Jimin grabbed your waist as he gave you a back hug.

"Jagiya~~ I haven't seen you all day I missed you~~" He said as he pecked your cheek. You got flustered and your face turned a bright red when Jimin grabbed you in front of everyone. Jimin had just gotten out of the shower and he was only in his shorts with a towel around his neck, which made you blush even more seeing him without a shirt on.

"Y-yah! Put on a shirt you'll catch a cold like that and dry your hair it'll drip everywhere!" You scolded him. You tried to wriggle free from his grip but you couldn't he was too strong. He laughed at you struggling and pretended to let go but latched onto you again.

"Hyung you can just leave some food for me and ____ later. I need to have a private 'talk' with ____." Jimin said slyly as he quickly picked you up. Jin sighed and shook his head but continued to wrap some food for you and Jimin later.

"Y-y-yah! Put me down! Where are you taking me?!" Your screams where soon silenced after Jimin set you down inside of his room.

"Yah! What was that about? Seriously so embarrassing..." You said your face still a little pink. Jimin laughed and hugged you.

"Mianhe, I was too excited about us going public." He chuckled when you playfully hit his chest.

"Whatever I liked--" You stopped talking after Jimin had a sneezing fit.

"Yah! See I told you you'd get sick if you don't put on a shirt and dry your hair!" You scolded and started to use his towel to dry his hair for him.

"Arraseo, I'll listen to you more from now on, Jagiya~~" He gave you his eye smile and you couldn't help but smile back. Afterwards you ended up talking for a few hours and you fell asleep in Jimin's room. When you woke up the next day you were in Jimin's arms your head resting on his chest. You smiled and pulled him closer as you shut your eyes falling asleep again.


A/N:Hey guys idk I got bored so I decided to just make a random fluff chapter~ -School was tiring so I made the chapter to clear my head- (;-; so much hw) Anyways thanks for almost 500 reads!!~ I'm glad all of you liked the fanfic so far! I'll try to update the new chapter soon so stay tuned and

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