Bonus Chapter 2

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~14 years later~

"Eomma!" Hanuel whined as she tried to convince you to get her a bracelet that was supposedly trendy among the female teens.

"Yah, Park Hanuel that is enough. I already said 'no' so stop bothering your mother." Jimin scolded.

"Aw, yeobo don't be so hard on her. She doesn't ask for much so let's just get her it as a small gift." You persuaded.

"Ah, arraseo." He gave in making Hanuel smile.

The bracelet was a made of sterling silver with small pink and purple sapphires adorning it with a small engraving on it on the inside. The engraving stated,

"Hold me tight, don't let go."

Apparently each bracelet had different engravings and different colored gems that represented the person wearing it.

"Thank you!" Hanuel squealed as she thrust her wrist out, looking at the bracelet gleam in the afternoon sun as all you walked to the car.

"Oh, look it's Park Jimin!" A young woman maybe a few years younger than you ran up to Jimin as well as a few other girls.

"Wow, I can't believe my luck! Could you please give me an autograph?" She asked excitedly.

"Ah, sure...Here." He smiled handing the slip of paper back. The group walked away happily as Hanuel looked at her father confused.

"What was that about?" She asked as she opened the door to the car.

"Ah, it's nothing. Just a few old fans I guess." He chuckled thinking back to his performing days since now he works as a choreographer for BigHit.

"Fans? Wait, appa you were an idol?!" Her eyes might have well as popped out of her sockets when she found out.

"Yeah, your uncles and I were part of BTS but, since we're getting old we just work as producers, writers and such at our old company." He explained.

"You should've seen your father during his performing days~" You reminisced. "Ah, so handsome and perfect abs~"

"What about now?" He asked offended.

"I never said that you weren't like that now too, yeobo~" You cooed sweetly.

"Well, you were implying it." He grumbled as he drove.

~At the Kim residence~

"Yah, just because you're 16 seconds older doesn't mean you can boss me around." Amber shot back.

"Ugh, fine I'll just get it myself then." Mark got off of the couch and got snacks from the kitchen.

"Children, father is home~" Young-Soo said in a sing-song voice as he closed the front door. The twins groaned as their father pouted in dismay at their reaction.

"What? Not happy to see me?" He faked a cry as he hugged Mark, making him groan again.

"Dad, why are you so extra. Mom might be a little crazy but atleast she's more normal than you." Mark complained as he tried to pry his father off of him.

"Fine, if you don't want my love then I'll go to Amber." He spun on his heels as he made his way to the living room and Amber wore a horrified expression as her father enveloped her in a suffocating hug.

"Dad, I can't breath." She gasped as he let go smiling happily.

"Aigoo, both of you have grown up so much~" He remarked pleasently pinching Amber's checks. She swatted his hands away and rubbed her cheeks as she glared at him.

"Mark, is there anyone you're interested in right now?" He asked out of the blue.

"W-what?" Mark became a bit flustered as he choked on his water.

"Ah, so yes?"

"What, no. I mean I guess. I don't know." He replied quickly as he coughed some more.

"Hm, alright. What about you, Amber?" He turned to his daughter who was a little less than pleased.

"Dad, no. And if I did I wouldn't tell you." She crossed her arms as she leaned back.

"Aish, so secretive." Young-Soo frowned.

"I'm home." Melissa called out as she walked into the living room. "Hello, sweethearts." She smiled as she gave the twins a peck on the forehead.

"Hello, yeobo." She smiled at Young-Soo giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I need a massage and, if you touch anywhere funny I'll have the twins kill you in your sleep." She threatened as she propped his hands on her shoulders.

"Aw but, then that's no fun!" He whined.

"Ew, dad stop." Amber scrunched up her face as Mark choked on his water again.

"Anyways it's almost summer so, where do you want to go for the family vacation?" Melissa asked as she repositioned Young-Soo's hands.

"America!" Mark said excitedly.

"Anywhere but, here is fine." Amber shrugged.

"We can have ____ as our guide since she's fluent and she's lived there for awhile." Young-Soo piped in.

"Might as well have everyone come too, huh?" She pulled out her phone to ask if everyone was able to go. After a few phone calls and schedule changes everyone was free to go on the vacation.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was really bad ;-;  I'll try to make the next one more interesting~ Thanks for reading and

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