Presston - The Dog Shelter

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A year into their relationship, Christen and Julie are adopting their first dog together, adding to Christen's duo.


"What if I can't pick just one?" Christen asked her girlfriend as they were entering the dog shelter, their fingers intertwined. "Babe, we can't have more than three dogs in our apartment. Two is already one too much." Julie joked, getting an offended look from Christen in return. "Don't talk like that about our babies." Christen said, slightly offended.
"I'm sorry. You know I love those two with all my heart, almost as much as I love you." Julie smiled that heavenly smile that always made Christen feel all kinds of emotions. "Nice save." Christen smiled, leaning in to give the younger girl a kiss. Julie gladly accepted, and their lips met in a soft but passionate kiss.
"Let's go get a puppy." Christen said excited, as she pulled away, dragging Julie after her.

"Chris?" Julie asked out into the shelter, cuddling with a little west highland white terrier. She had immediately fallen in love with the little guy, and hadn't left his side.
Christen, on the other hand, ran around with two or three dogs in arms. At the moment Julie couldn't spot her anywhere.
She picked up the little white ball of fur, and brought him with her to look for her girlfriend. In the middle of a pack of at least ten dogs, a overly happy Christen sits on the ground. Julie can't do nothing but smile at the sight, finding it extremely adorable to watch.
"Babe, I want all of them." Christen said, tapping the heads of several dogs. She had yet to notice the white one in Julie's arms.
"I want you to meet someone." Julie bent down next to Christen, holding up the little guy.
When Christen turned around, her eyes shot wide at the sight of the cute little white one in Julie's arms. "Oh my god." Her voice got squeaky as she carefully patted him. Christen looked up to meet Julie's eyes, and they both knew this was their newest addition to their growing family.
"You think the others will like him?" Christen asked, now getting handed the dog from Julie. She carefully held it against her chest, her heart exploding from the cuteness of the little guy. "I think they'll love him." Julie assured her, placing a steady hand on Christen's lover back. She leaned Christen and the dog closer to her, kissing the top of her girlfriends head.
In that moment, they were both so truly happy.

(A/N: just starting off with a short one. Hope you enjoy some cute Presston!
FYI: Pic above is of the Westie they adopted)

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