Preath - ESPN Shoot

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Let's all calm down. I'm not implying ANYTHING, Press and Tobin might just be best friends. (You know, the Erin and Ella kind of best friends). Still, this is too good to not make a Preath thing out of.


Christen is doing the Body Issue with ESPN, and has her teammate and girlfriend Tobin with her for support.


"Are you nervous?" Tobin glanced over at Christen as she tried keeping her eyes on the road the best she could. Christen sighed, having a tiny smile on her face.
"I don't know, a little yeah. But also kinda excited." She answered, biting down on her lower lip.

"After managing to convince myself, I think from there on it's just about getting the right message out there." Christen smiled to herself, feeling good about her decision.
"I'm proud of you. You're gonna do great." Tobin smiled, moving her free hand to Christen's thigh and carefully stroking it.


"Ms. Press, it's an honor to meet you." The photographer, a tall stylish young man, excitedly reached out his hand for Christen as they entered the destination of the shoot. Christen gladly took his hand, then directed his attention to the girl next to her.

"This is my friend Tob-" She started, but was eagerly interrupted by the other man.
"Tobin Heath, my god, it's truly an honor, both of you. Huge soccer fan, the women that is." He rambled on, causing the girls both to smile.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me to not introduce myself, Tristan Scott. Let's dive right in, shall we?" He kept talking before Christen could get in another word, but she didn't mind.
"Let's do this." She said with a nervous smile, giving some of her belongings to Tobin.

Christen got sent to get undressed in a trailer, and a robe to put on in the meantime. Tobin got asked to stay behind with Tristan.
"Tobin, I want you to meet Hailee, she'll be doing the writing parts of the issue. I'm sure the two of you can benefit from some talking." Tristan went on, as Tobin shook hands with the writer.

"I'd love to have a little chat." The woman spoke with a warm smile, and Tobin gladly agreed. She didn't mind the talking.
"So, just to get things right, you're Christen's national teammate and friend?" She put a clear question mark behind the word 'friend' and Tobin couldn't keep her smile hidden.
"Well, she's actually my girlfriend, but we'd like to keep it on the down low for now. Not take the focus off the soccer before the Olympics, you know?" Tobin said proud, loving to say the words out loud, even though she was happy with their decision to keep it out of the public eye for now. They weren't hiding anything, just not telling the full truth, there's a difference.

"That's wonderful, you make a lovely couple." Hailee smiled eagerly, looking very tempted to write this valuable information down. Tobin appreciated that she didn't.
"So how did you react when you found out she was doing this shoot?" The writer went on, and Tobin again found herself smiling ridiculously at a memory with her girlfriend.
"Well, I'll admit I was a little stunned at first. It's not everyday you hear your girlfriend is going to be on the front of a major magazine, and then naked at that." Tobin started, and they both laughed lightly as Hailee wrote something down.

"But once she explained what she wanted it to be about, how it's important to accept yourself and your body, I was all aboard really. Body positivity is such an important message to spread, and I'm really proud of her for being brave enough to do this for something she believes in." Tobin found herself rambling on about Christen, and she knew she could've spoken for hours about how the other woman astonish her. The writer was eagerly noting things down the entire time, and Tobin just hoped she had said the right things and not gone overboard.

"Your lady friend needs you." The photographer suddenly appeared again, and hinted for Tobin to go to the trailer. The soccer star politely thanked the writer for the brief 'interview', and took off in the direction of the trailer.

"Is there a lady in need?" Tobin joked, as she opened the door and looked inside. Christen laughed, before she stood up and smiled.
"It's happening." She stated, looking happy about her decision to do it. Tobin smiled as well, walking closer to the other girl.
"I spoke to the writer, she seems nice." Tobin spoke up, as they met inside the trailer. Tobin had closed the door behind her on the way in, giving them some time alone before.
"Good, what did you say?" Christen asked curious, as her hands found their way to Tobin's shoulders. "I may have outed us just a little." Tobin said guilty, as her own hands trailed the sides and waist of the forward.
"You did?" Christen asked surprised, not being able to keep her smile hidden about it. Tobin was relieved to see her reaction.
"Yeah, she asked if you were my friend and it just felt weird." Tobin said honest, letting out a short laugh. Christen got a coyly smile on her face.

"You're saying you don't kiss all your friends like this?" She whispered huskily, before she smashed her lips against the other girl's smug smile. Tobin gladly accepted the kiss, but she also realized her girlfriend was half naked and it would take very little for her to get severely flushed.

"Babe." Tobin breathed out, trying her best to pull away against her own will. Christen cockily pulled away, looking satisfied with her doing.
"Thank you for coming with me. Having you here makes me feel comfortable and safe." Christen switched to a warm smile, looking into the eyes of her girlfriend now.
"It's my pleasure. Really." Tobin joked, hinting to the naked body Christen was hiding under her robe.

Before Christen could reply, there was a rapid loud knocking sound on the door.
"We're ready for you." The familiar voice of the photographer caused the girls to step outside.


Tobin enjoyed watching Christen work, and admired how no matter what she did she never failed to keep a smile on her face. Christen spoke about what her goals were for this shoot and why she wanted to do it. Body positivity and self acceptance both valuable key words.

Tobin had to help with the robe at times, and help the photographer when Christen needed to look a certain way or smile genuinely. She loved that she could help out.

The couple both noticed that photos was taken of them both in off-guard situations, probably causing them to look very couple-ish. Without saying the words out loud, they both knew they didn't mind. If the fans and media made a big deal out of the fact that Tobin was there with Christen in the first place, then these photos would add fuel to the fire, but at that point they couldn't see the harm. Hopefully the world would still focus on the message of the shoot and the soccer, and if anything else, the huge smiles on their faces.


"That's a wrap." The photographer clapped his hands and everyone joined in.
"It's been a pleasure working with you, Christen. I sincerely hope you'll be pleased with the results." He continued, turning to Christen when the crowd calmed down.

"Thank you for making this possible. From what I've seen they look amazing." Christen responded politely, looking thankful towards everyone present that helped along the way.

She was ready for the world to see.

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