Preath - Family

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Christen and Tobin are married with two kids, enjoying the family life together.


"I'm home!" Christen yelled into the big house, as she opened the front door. It was unusually quiet, and for a moment she wondered if she was home alone. She wasn't met with the tiny footsteps and eager faces as she usually does.

"In here." She heard her wife speak back, smiling at the familiar comfort it brought. Christen placed her bag down, and headed into the living room to the source of the voice.
"And the princess waited for her prince to-" christen overhead Tobin speaking now, sounding much like she was reading out loud from a fairytale.
As expected, the sight of her wife and two kids planted on the floor caused Christen to grin.
They all looked so peaceful and comfortable.

"Hey there." Christen started, but was quickly interrupted by an eager 'shhh' sound.
"Mom, be quiet. Mommy's reading." Their oldest daughter, Maureen, spoke up. Still not lifting her eyes from the book.
Christen couldn't help but smile at how persistent their daughter was, and how much she's picking up from her favorite aunt. Whom she's also named after.
"Maur, don't talk to you mother like that." Tobin lifted her head, now smiling towards Christen. "Now go give your mother a hug, we can finish later." She added, patting the kids on their backs.
Thomas, their youngest son, stumbled his way over to his other mom, and Christen listed him up carefully. The little boy giggled as Christen turned around a few times to play with him.
Maureen made her way over as well now, and Christen bent down to accept the hug.

Tobin loved seeing Christen with their kids, never getting tired of the sight.
"What have you been up to today?" Christen asked the kids, smiling as they both looked excited. "Mom took us to the park!" Maureen jumped up and down, looking back and fourth between her moms. "And then we started reading because Thomas was tired, but I'm not tired. Can we go play?" Maureen was on a roll, always being this full of energy.
"Oh, slow down there buddy." Tobin laughed, getting up from the floor now.
"I wanna be the goalie." Maureen shouted, already making her way to the door as fast as she could. "Goalie?" Tobin questioned, frowning at her wife.
"We gotta stop letting her spend this much time at the O'Hara-Solo residence." Christen laughed, shaking her head slightly.
"Yeah, speaking off-" Tobin started, but was perfectly interrupted by none other than Maureen's favorite aunt.
"Auntie Kelley!" Maureen yelled excited, already being in the arms of the soccer player.
"I'm gonna take these rebels out back, hi by the way." Kelley smiled, putting down Maureen and now picking up Thomas.
"Hi Kels, thank you." Christen smiled, waving to the little group of three.

"I'm afraid she's gonna steal them." Tobin joked, as soon as the group left the room. Christen laughed, thinking about how much time the O'Hara-Solo couple did in fact spend with their kids.
"Where's the goalie at, though?" Christen asked, still finding it funny that their daughter now suddenly wanted to be goalkeeper.
"She's probably coming shortly." Tobin said, knowing that Hope was never too far away from her wife.

"Hi, beautiful." Tobin now turned to face Christen, smiling at her wife as they now finally had a moment to themselves.
"How was your day?" She continued, now pulling Christen closer by the waist.
"My day way good, thank you." Christen smiled back, pulling Tobin in by her shirt.
Christen let her hands slide around the neck of her wife, as their lips collided in a soft kiss.
"Hmm." Tobin mumbled into the kiss, both smiling widely. "I missed you." She added, pulling Christen back in.
She deepened the kiss drastically, and even though her wife was caught off guard, she gladly accepted once she realized.

"Get a room, guys." A familiar voice suddenly broke them apart, both still standing close.
"Hope." Tobin mumbled slightly bitter, looking somewhat frustrated at the older woman.
"Too bad we don't have our own house." Christen said, her voice floating in sarcasm. Hope just laughed, looking around into the room. "Where's the little devils?" She asked, referring to the kids.
"Back outside with your wife." Christen said, also sounding slightly bitter about Hope interrupting. She took a step away from Christen, dragging her hand through her hair.
"Remind me to start locking the doors, will you?" Tobin whispered to Christen, with a smile creeping on her face now.

"Auntie Hope!" Maureen ran towards her other favorite aunt as fast as her little legs could take her. Hope bent down and picked the girl up high when she got there. Sh spun the little girl a few times around, causing sweet giggles to fill everyone's ears.
The sound made the two proud moms smile wide, as Tobin leaned her head on Christen's shoulder from behind. She wrapped her arms around Christen's waist, just watching their good friends play around with their kids.

Hope stood in goal, with Maureen in front of her, pretending Maureen did all the saving. The smile on the little girl's face every time she thought she made a save said it all.
Kelley was doing the same thing with Thomas, really only carrying him and doing all the shooting herself.
"When are those two gonna get one of their own? Look at those parent instincts." Tobin laughed, smiling at the sight. "I know, right?" Hope keeps saying she's not the motherly type? That's bullshit." Christen said back, catching herself saying a bad words. "Shit." She added, again failing at keeping her language clean. Tobin laughed, walking to stand next to her wife now. "If we can do it, anyone can, right?" Tobin smiled, kissing Christen's cheek.

"Wanna go interrupt? Can't have Hope trying to turn her into a goalie when we all know she's a mid." Tobin joked, walking backwards towards the others. Christen laughed, shaking her head slightly. "She can be whatever she wants." She said demand, before stopping up next to Tobin. "But of course she's truly a forward." She added, whispering into her wife's ear. Tobin was the one to shake her head now. The couple made their way over to the others, the not-so-small 'family' playing around in the backyard enjoying each other's company.

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