O'Solo - Morning Cuddles

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*just to make it up for last chapter*

Hope and Kelley are going three years strong with their relationship, having their own apartment and a dog. The couple got engaged a few days ago, still high on the feelings.


"Babe." Kelley whispered into the older goalkeepers ear, trying to get her attention. "Not yet, Kels." Hope mumbled, still half asleep as they were lying in bed. Kelley positioned herself so she was facing the other woman, running her fingers down the sides of her face. Hope's face turned into a smile, before she slowly peaked one eye open.
"You're not gonna let me sleep, are you?" Hope said, smiling towards the younger girl. Kelley shook her head slightly, still leaving soft strokes on Hope's face.
"I can't wait to marry you." Hope blurted out, looking at Kelley in awe now. She took the hand that Kelley used to stroke her face with in her own, kissing it softly.
"I can't wait to be Mrs. O'Hara-Solo." Kelley said proud, an even wider grin spreading on both their faces. Hope sat up a little in the bed, pulling Kelley closer to her. She pulled the younger girl in for a soft kiss, closing her eyes into it. "I like the sound of that." She said as they barley pulled apart, Kelley biting down on her lower lip. "It really does sound good, doesn't it?" Kelley smiled, now positioning herself to lie next to hope, cuddling into her side. Hope held up her arm for Kelley to get comfortable, then protectively wrapping her strong arms around the smaller soccer star.
"I wish we could stay like this forever." Hope mumbled, after a moment of comfortable silence. Kelley just smiled, agreeing by squeezing even closer to her fiancé.
"Maybe we should both just retire then?" Kelley  joked, feeling Hope's chest rise and fall rapidly as she was laughing. "Someday, right?" Hope spoke in a dreaming way, like she was imagining their future together.

The moment got highly interrupted when a large Border Collie jumps onto the bed, causing them both to sit up to control the dog. Nutmeg, as the dog was named, quickly started to lick both their faces, and Hope with all her strength was just barley able to keep him off them.
"You little squirrel." Kelley joked, laughing as she tried covering up her face. "He's not so little anymore, babe." Hope laughed as well, finally getting him to calm down on the bed.
The little family of three cuddles on the bed now, this chilly November morning.

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