Cheney Retiring

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Cheney is retiring after the 2015 World Cup, but she has yet to tell the 'New Kids' and Moe about it.


"There you are." Amy found Cheney sitting alone in the locker room. Everyone else had left, but Cheney couldn't get herself to leave. She knew she had news to tell her teammates and friends, but couldn't quite find the right words or timing to use. She knew she had to tell them now, before they leave for Canada, otherwise she wouldn't be able to fully enjoy her last everything. And if they win, she don't want to bring anyone down from the high of it.

"Is Tobin with you? I have something I wanna talk to you about." Lauren said to Amy, trying not to sound too serious. She was sure in her decision, and she wasn't all that sad about it. This is what she needed to do, and she hoped her friends and teammates would understand.
"I'm right here." Tobin said walking into the room, having overheard the question.
"What's up?" She added, now sitting down next to Lauren. Amy had seated herself on the other side of her.
"I want you guys to be the first to know." Cheney blurted out, now suddenly being at a loss of other words. She didn't know how to words this. "First to know, what?" Amy asked, looking slightly worried. Lauren looked back and fourth between her best friends, feeling slightly sad from knowing she won't get to play with them much longer.
"I'm retiring." She blurted out again, quickly realizing she had to say something else from the shock on her friends faces. "After the World Cup, I'm retiring from professional soccer." She continued, making it more clear.
Amy and Tobin both looked shocked and almost a little hurt. It broke Cheney's heart to see them like that.
"What are you- you're serious?" Tobin let out, obviously still trying to wrap her hear around the words leaving Cheney's mouth.
"But you can't do that- why would you?" Amy was denying next, getting emotional by the second. "I have discussed this with Jrue, and we both agree. I want to have more time to my family. This is what I want." Lauren argued, trying to get the other two to understand.
"Are you pregnant? Cause you can come back from that, just look at-" Tobin started rambling on, but Lauren stopped her. "I'm not pregnant." Lauren laughed lightly, shaking her head.
"I just needed you guys to know, cause this will be my last championship. That's why we need to win. Not just for me, but for us, the rest of the team. And you can't be sad it's over, cause I'm still gonna be your friend. You're not getting rid of me that easy." Lauren spoke calm, speaking her mind.
The two other women started to calm down as well, seeming to understand more now. Amy sighed, then taking Lauren's hand.
"I'm gonna miss the heck outta you." She said, trying to hold tears back. Tobin took Lauren's other hand. "New Kids forever." She smiled, looking at her best friends.
"What are we gonna do without you?" Amy said, leaning her head on Lauren's shoulder.
Lauren smiled, pulling Tobin in closer.
"You'll be fine. I'm more worried about Moe." Lauren sighed at the thought of the young mid.

"What are you worried about me for?" Morgan suddenly appeared in the door, leaning against the frame. The three older players quickly sat up straight, Amu wiping a tear from her cheek.
Morgan furrowed her eyebrows, looking somewhat worried at her teammates now.
"What's going on?" Morgan asked, now taking a few steps into the room. She rested her gaze at Lauren, knowing she was likely gonna be the one to speak up first.
"Moe, why don't you sit down?" Lauren spoke careful, hinting to a spot now created between her and Amy. Morgan didn't move, just kept looking confused. "Cheney." Morgan said the older players name in a way that broke all their heart. Tobin and Amy both stood up in sync, now walking over to stand next to Morgan.
"We're making a too big deal out of this guys, don't scare her." Lauren tried joking, but the other two didn't catch on. Morgan now sat down next to Lauren, ignoring Tobin and Amy clearly looking torn and upset.
Lauren sighed, looking at the young player.
"I'm so proud of you for how far you've come, and how great of a player you have become. I'm not scared of leaving because I know you're gonna be okay. I know the team's gonna be okay." Lauren spoke, Morgan now catching on to what was going on.
"You need to say it." Morgan said after a moment of silence, needing to hear the words come from her biggest role model's mouth in order to fully believe them.
"I'm retiring, Moe." Lauren said, fighting hard to keep her voice steady. The younger player has become like a sister to her, and watching her grow on the team had been one of Lauren's greatest experiences with the national team.

"What are we gonna do without you?" Morgan said silent, as Lauren pulled her into her for a hug. "We'll figure something out." Tobin shot in, now sitting down next to Morgan.
Amy joined them, and as Lauren let the three players get out their emotions in her arms, she thought back on all the memories.
Lauren Holiday was retiring from professional soccer, but her memories and impact on the team would play on for years to come.

(A/N: I miss Cheney a lot and had a moment. The woman's a legend.)

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