Preath - CRSvPOR

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A/N: I'm super excited about this match, so I had to write a little something.

Christen and Tobin prepares to play against each other in the NWSL.


"Are you sure they won't mind you staying in Chicago?" Christen asked her girlfriend one last time, confirming the decision. They had finished the Japanese friendlies and were supposed to head back home to their NWSL teams, but Tobin had decided to stay in Chicago with Christen. Being apart from each other this much has been hard for them, and they have both jumped on every opportunity to be together when they're not on national team duties. Even the opportunities that aren't really opportunities, like this one.

"I wanna see the USMNT game, and besides, the Thorns will be here by Thursday anyways so it's just like one day out of practice." Tobin said back, smiling at her girlfriend.
"And you know, this way I get to spy on the competition." She added, looking satisfied with her joke. Christen cracked a smile.
"I love you, you know that? And I miss you, so I'm definitely not complaining." Christen said, putting her bag in the back of the cab. She then turned and pulled Tobin closer to her. Christen slowly wrapped her arms around her girlfriends waist, and pressed their bodies together before whispering in Tobin's ear.
"And we get to be all alone in my apartment tonight." Her voice was low and raspy, sending chills down Tobin's spine.
They were both definitely looking forward to some alone time after spending weeks apart and then curios teammates at camp.


"Wow, this is highly unexpected." Tobin joked, as her, Christen and Julie were watching the USMNT against Costa Rica. Julie and Christen both giggled at how surprised Tobin sounded, seeing as the result was 2-0 already.
"Are you doing the interview with Buzzer during half time?" Julie asked over Tobin, talking to Christen on the other side of her. As the two Chicago players talked, Tobin spaced out and watched the game.

Tobin suddenly noticed the crowd started screaming eagerly for no reason, and looked up at the big screen to see the three of them. She quickly tried to get the others attention, and did a little wave as she smiled to the camera.
Christen and Julie didn't mind all that much, even though they all knew the fans would freak out over the fact that Tobin had stayed in Chicago. The two national players haven't made their relationship public yet, even though they're not hiding anything at the same time. Still, Tobin was thrilled she had been focused on the game and not christen, cause that had definitely happened before and they haven't heard the end of it since.


The next couple days Christen and the rest of the Red Stars had practice, whilst Tobin had gotten exercises and things to do on her own. Christen had the evenings off, and they would go out some days and stay in others.
Just being able to spend some time together was all they wanted, and they were grateful.

"So who do you think will win tomorrow?" Tobin asked her girlfriend, as they were cuddling on Christen's couch. The couple had ordered in and decided to watch a movie. None of them payed much attention to that one though. Tobin couldn't take her eyes off Christen and it went both ways.
"I don't know, maybe we'll let you win?" Christen joked, smirking towards the other girl. "Let us win?" Tobin quickly reacted, and pulled herself a little away to be able to face Christen. "Hell no. You're gonna give it all and we're still gonna beat you." She continued confident, smiling too now.
"We'll just have to wait and see." Christen said back, just as confident.

"I have a feeling you'll score though." Christen added, a growing smirk on her face as well. Tobin knew she wasn't just talking about the game anymore, so she let her fingers slowly run down Christen's arm, leaving traces of goosebumps behind.
"Oh yeah, on Alyssa you mean?" Tobin joked, as they both were talking about different things than what they were saying.
"Preferably me. Tonight. But sure, why not." Christen joked back, pretending to shrug her arms like it didn't matter all that much.

"Come here." Tobin was done playing. With a grin on her face she pulled the forward closer to her and smashed their lips together. The known firework appeared and the spark inside the both of them was relit. Nothing could compare to the feeling of their lips connected. Christen positioned herself so that she was seated comfortably in Tobin's lap, and wrapped her hands around the midfielders neck. Tobin's hands found their way around Christen's waist, and carefully stroke her back. The kiss got heated shortly after.
"You know what Jill says about sex on nights before game days." Christen breathed out, pulling slightly away to catch her breath.
Tobin laughed lightly, shaking her head at the random comment.
"Wait, should I be worried that you're thinking of Coach Ellis while kissing me?" Tobin joked, whispering close to the lips of the other girl. Christen could feel the warmth of Tobin's breath on her skin, it drove her nuts that Tobin didn't close the gap between them.
"Shut up and kiss me." She breathed out, and took matter in her own hands.

Christen deepened the kiss instantly, and Tobin gladly followed once she caught up. The forward let her tongue brush past Tobin's bottom lip, asking for entrance. The other girl happily accepted, and they now fought for dominance in a heated kiss.
Tobin's hands found their way under Christen's top, and exposed the bare skin under it. She moved from the forwards lips and started kissing down her jawline and neck. Christen moaned as Tobin hit her soft spot close to her ear, and carefully sucked on it.
"You b- better not leave any marks." Christen breathed out, stuttering her words as she was severely turned on. Tobin just smirked even wider, and started going down Christen's neck again, for sure leaving a mark or two.
Christen pulled Tobin's head up eventually and reconnected their lips.


"Chris? Christen!" A loud, rapid knocking could be heard from the front door, as Tobin and Christen slowly woke up.
Wha- what's going on?" Tobin mumbled, as Christen tried to force some tiredness out of her eyes. They met eyes, both clearly confused to what was happening.
Christen recognized the voice eventually, and as she walked towards the door, Tobin checked her phone. 5 missed calls and like 100 texts.

"It's game day, what are you doing? Get your ass to practice!" Tobin heard Julie speak as she came closer, clearly being somewhat frustrated at Christen. "That goes for you too, Heath." She added, now appearing in the door.
Tobin cleared her throat and placed her feet on the floor in from of the bed, trying her best to cover up her naked body. She was sure Julie had figured out the details already anyways, but no need to make it worse.
"Shit, I'll jump in the shower." Christen came rushing past her through the door, looking stressed. Tobin couldn't help but smile at how cute she thought she looked.
"I need to shower too." Tobin said simple, trying not to imply anything.
Christen stopped right before entering the bathroom, obviously trying to hide a smirk.
"Well, I got one shows so I mean if you need too." She pushed the door open as she walked inside, leaving the sentence hanging in the air. Tobin couldn't hide her huge grin.
"Oh god, just meet me in the car when you're done." Julie rolled her eyes and threw her arms out wide in frustration. "And hurry." She added, shaking her head with a smile as she walked out of the room.


"Heath, you're gonna have to come back defensively today. We need you to help stop Press. You know her better than anyone, let's use that to our advantage." Mark, the Portland coach, spoke to Tobin.
Tobin was nervous about this game. She knows how good the Red Stars are, how good Christen is. They're gonna have to work really hard to keep her out of the goal.
"Yes, sir." Tobin answered back, still not sure how she would do that in particular.
"Now go warm up." Mark ordered, and the team headed out on the field.

It didn't take long for Tobin to spot the dark haired beauty, as she was running up and down the field herself. Christen was occasionally taking shots at goal, perfectly placed and angled, probably to psyche the Thorns out, Tobin thought to herself.

"Stop staring and focus, Heath." Lindsey started running next to Tobin, shaking her head at how obvious her friend was being. Tobin snapped out of her gaze, and slightly blushed as she looked back at Lindsey.
"Sorry." Tobin mumbled, now looking down at her shoes.

"Looking good, Heath." Christen jogged over to Tobin when they were supposed to go back into the locker rooms before the walkout.
Tobin smiled at the comment, but tried her best not to get too distracted by the beauty.
"I'll look even better when we win." Tobin answered confident back, earning a smile in return from Press. Christen raised he eyebrows and laughed lightly, signalizing how she didn't believe the Thorns would win.
"Just know I'll still like you when you lose." Christen said back, just as confident.

The couple joked a little back and fourth, before it was time to get serious. They were both professionals, and were able to switch off when they needed to. It was game on.

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