Preath - Happy Birthday

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In honor of the gals being back together AND it's Tobin's birthday, here's a little something of how I hope she's being treated at camp;)


"Kelley, hurry up!" Christen hissed, trying to be quiet at the same time as being stressed. Kelley shot her a 'are you kidding me' glare in return, seeing as Christen had been on her all morning to put this thing together.
"Chris, I love you, but I'm about to strangle you if you don't chill out." Kelley said back, taping the last piece of paper to the wall.
"Sorry." Christen mumbled, looking satisfied at the wall in the dining hall.
"You did good, Kel. I'm just a little stressed." She added, now giving her friend a thumbs up.
Kelley just shook her head, smiling at the nervous forward in front of her.
"It's gonna be great, Press. She'll love it. Stop stressing." Kelley tried to assure her that it was going to be okay, but Christen still wasn't fully convinced that it would.

She had planned for this day off weeks really, but she had just never been able to narrow it down so it was actually possible to go through with. She's had a million huge ideas that included thousands of roses and surprises, but one single rose and a banner would have to do it. It wasn't exceptional, but hopefully if everything goes according to the plan, they could sneak away for a birthday dinner just the two of them in their room later on. Christen prepared some of Tobin's favorite food and she would make the most out of that.


"Chris?" Christen suddenly heard Tobin say, as she was getting ready in the bathroom.
"Babe, no! I was gonna wake you with the others soon!" Christen whined, disappointed the waking up part didn't work. She rushed to the bedroom, now smiling at the sight of the tired birthday girl.
"But happy birthday, beautiful." She smiled, leaning against the frame of the door.
"Good morning. Thank you." Tobin answered happy, before biting down on her lower lip.
"Come here." She said huskily, hinting her girlfriend to come closer.
Christen obeyed, and sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Tobin to come to her now.

"I'm kinda glad I woke up before everyone got here." Tobin close to whispered, as she crawled over the bed to where Christen was seated.
"Oh yeah?" Christen smirked, running here fingers down the midfielders arm.
"Definitely." Tobin said confident, seconds before smashing her lips onto Christen's.
Christen gladly accepted the kiss, as she grabbed Tobin's shirt and pulled her closer.
Tobin cupped the forward's face, giving her soft strokes on the cheek as she carefully deepened the kiss. Tobin brushed her tongue along Christen's lower lip, asking for entrance. It was quickly granted by the forward, and they now fought for dominance.

"Happy birth-" A choir of mostly terrible singers filled the room, and the two girls on the bed broke apart instantly.
The whole team and most of the staff was now standing in their room, the people in the front having stopped the singing in shock.
Alex and Kelley in the front were cracking up from laughing, but HAO quickly got the singing to start back up again as nothing happened.
Christen were blushing slightly as she tried to bled in, in the background now, but Tobin couldn't help but look at her.
Even in a room full of people, the brunette forward was all she could think about. Waking up to her and getting a morning kiss was really all she wanted for her birthday.

"Happy birthday to youuu." The song ended and everyone clapped and cheered. Tobin was now forced to face the many smiling faces looking at her, and she clapped along and thanked everyone before she blew out the candles placed on a bunch of fruit.
"Staying healthy even though it's your birthday." Dawn smiled, knowing everyone really just wanted cake, but weren't really allowed to at the moment.
"Do you feel older?" Alex joked, earning a few laughs around the room.
"Maybe we should let the birthday girl wake up and have a moment with her girlfriend?" Julie suggested, looking over at Christen now. Everyone quickly agreed, giving them both plenty of smug faces as the left the room.

"So busted." Tobin joked, as Christen returned from closing the door behind Kelley, who had refused to leave for a couple minutes.
"Totally." Christen laughed, now jumping to lie down on the bed next to Tobin. She dragged the sitting midfielder down with her, hugging her tight as she left a shower of kisses everywhere on Tobin.
The older girl turned and twisted in the embrace of her strong girlfriend, laughing and secretly enjoying the action plenty.
"Ugh, get off me!" Tobin joked, eventually just giving in to the kisses. She were able to turn so the were face to face, and once again connected their lips in a soft, but passionate kiss. Christen smiled into the kiss, pulling slightly away after a few seconds.
"We can't start now, or we'll never leave." She whispered, barley a breath apart. Tobin smiled, kissing her quickly once more.
"What's so wrong with that?" Tobin smirked, but knowing they had to leave at some point.

"I'll give you you're real gift tonight." Christen bite down on her lower lip, leaning closer to Tobin's ear as she spoke. The feeling of her warm breath on Tobin's neck sent chills down her spine.
"I can't wait." Tobin managed to say out loud, barely able to control her trembling voice.


"There's the birthday girl!" Lindsey shouted excited, as the couple entered the dining hall.
"You did this?" Tobin said in awe at her girlfriend, as she looked at the huge banner in the wall saying 'Happy Birthday, Toby'.
"With a little help from Kelley." Christen smiled, being proud of the result.
"I love you." Tobin said sincere, before the rest of the team gathered around to chat and entertain the birthday girl.

Tobin had a blast with her teammates at practice that day, everyone going out of their way to make the day special and memorable for Tobin. After gathering of a team meeting, Christen had gotten permission to take Tobin to their room after, the two enjoying a romantic dinner together.

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