Group Chat - Part 4

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The reactions after the first two games in Rio.


Alex: Congrats Kriegy and Whit on your Olympic debut!!



Kriegs: Ash, that's weird

Kelley: AND 200th cap for the boss lady herself

Tobin: seriously, hope you saved us big time


Hope: yeah, speak for yourself Tobin! You were on fire

Hope: but thank you guys

TheGreatHoran: can we talk about Tobin for a second like gurl you're alone with the keeper then the next second you're back defending on the counter attack HOW

Sonnett: AND that sneaky nutmeg, just GOLD

Sammy: she isn't called the The Nutmeg Queen without reason

Tobin: stop it, guys

Tobin: okay, keep going

Moe: CHENEY REFERENCE don't make me cry, Heath

Tobin: I'm SO GLAD you took that even though you were like 12 at the time

Moe: hey

Kelley: hahha baby Moe

Pinoe: is that the one were Hope 'confirms' that her and Carli are "unfortunately both heterosexuals"

Kelley: HAhaha

Hope: Kelley, don't

Pugh: I think I'm too young for this

TheGreatHoran: I'll show it to you later

Long: can we also talk about how tall Renard is like it was practically a lost cause marking her

Kelley: she made me see Hope in a new light, you're really not that tall

Hope: I'm taller than you

Kelley: everyone's taller than me

Pugh: I'm not

Kelley: no, but you're still a baby

Tobin: France was good, but we were better

Moe: yeah, I think we did good

Hope: we won, so that's all that matters

Alex: now let's have some fun against Colombia

Kelley: but aren't we celebrating Hope's 200th

Pinoe: ...don't leave it to me again

Kelley: YOU are not doing anything

Sonnett: hahah I'm still laughing at Kelley's face tbh

Hope: the win is celebration enough

Carli: We'll celebrate with that 3rd Olympic gold medal around your neck, Solo

Tobin: yess, I can't wait

Alex: okay, not everyone gets their THIRD guys

Kelley: yeah seriously, stop bragging

Press: y'all realize Tobin might ACTUALLY get a fourth Olympic gold like that's crazy

Tobin: let's focus on the third first guys

Carli: EY, Hope and I can get a fourth as well

HAO: everyone can't be Captain America, Carli

Sammy: HAO got three already, she's better than all of you

HAO: Samuel is right

Kelley: we're ALL doing another World Cup tho, no one's allowed to retire

Tobin: can we maybe just stay on THIS tournament and chill with the future guys

Alex: Listen to Tobs, she's the queen

Tobin: calling me 'Tobs' isn't really helping

Kelley: Tobyyy

Sonnett: Nutmeg Queen

Press: Hot Stuff

Alex: what

Press: what

Tobin: CHRIS

Carli: okay, real captain speaking

Carli: get some sleep kids, were traveling tomorrow

Hope: I'm older than you

Kelley: Hope, come to bed

Kelley: GO** go to bed


Pinoe: 'heterosexual' I'm laughing

Hope: fuck off

Tobin: Goodnight, friends


A/N: continuing these! Some references from old videos and chats but hopefully you get them still;)

Love the feedback, you guys are awesome!

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