Talex - Retirement

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The year is 2023 and the USWNT just won their fifth World Cup, lead by Co-Captains Tobin Heath and Alex Morgan. The married power-couple has been going strong for six years, both retiring after the victory tour. They're about to step on the field for the very last time.


"USA on 3, 1 - 2 - 3, USA!" The whole team shouted in the locker room, more passion into the pre-game ritual than usual. Everyone knows this is the last time their veteran captains started them off like this, tonight not only losing two key players and teammates, but also some of their best friends.

"Lex, come here for a second." Tobin took Alex's hand, holding her back as the team was running out on the field again after warm ups.
"You can't get all sentimental on me now Tobs, I'm close to losing it already." Alex spoke the second she met her wife's eyes, knowing Tobin knew exactly what to say to make that happen.
"I won't, we got a game to win." Tobin assured her. "I just want to say thank you." She continued, taking both of Alex's hands in her own now. She looked down at them being intertwined. "For what?" Alex asked, looking at the love of her life.
"For always being there for me, for never giving up on me. We've been through so much together, and even though there's been heartbreaks along the way, I wouldn't want it any other way because all of that got me to this moment right here." Tobin spoke with so much passion, the rawness and honestly of her words causing Alex to get emotional just because she had so much love for this girl, so much love for this game they were about to walk away from.
"I have always been dreading this day, retirement, it sounded so scary. How was I suppose to ever accept the fact that I can't play the game I love so much, my first love. But then I got the wonderful pleasure of marrying you, and it all made sense. The rest of my life didn't scare me anymore, knowing I'll spend it with you. The love of my life. Soccer might've been my first love, but you Alexandra will be my last." Tobin's words now had Alex tearing up, but they were all happy tears.
At this point no words came out of Alex's mouth, and all she could do was wrap herself around the neck of the other girl. Tobin pulled Alex closer, wrapping her arms around Alex's waist tightly.
"I love you so much." Alex mumbled into Tobin's hair, causing Tobin to smile.
"I'm so happy I get to do this with you, and the rest of my life will be nothing less of perfect, because it will be our life." Alex pulled away, leaning her forehead against the other girls'.
"Now let's go win our last ever game of professional soccer." Tobin continued, kissing her wife softly on the lips, before pulling away.
"Good luck, Captain." Alex smiled, never getting tired of saying that to her wife.

The couple locked hands, and walked out on the stadium. The podium was sold out, and it exploded when the veterans entered field.
The game started and the whole team was on fire, as well as the crowds of supporters coming out to take a final goodbye.
The Captain duo made their last game memorable, by Tobin assisting all time leading scorer Alex Morgan's final goal of professional soccer, Heath having the lead on assists in professional soccer, as well as in one season. They were unbeatable, unstoppable, yet now it was time to say goodbye. The co-captains had worn the captains band one half each, ending the game at 2-0, with another goal from Mallory Pugh, good on her way to beat Alex on her goals someday. The final couple minutes of the game, Tobin got subbed out, leaving the captains band for Moe, leading the new generation of veterans.
Their teammates all hugged and honored their former captains, tears and emotions all over the place as the game ended.
Tobin and Alex walked around the stadium, thanking the fans for supporting them through all these years. The two women grew up on this team, became the players and people they are today because of it. They owe their carriers, their relationship, most of their lives to this team and the fans supporting them.

After a couple interviews and some honoring, the couple intertwined their fingers again, walking off the field for the very last time.
As sad as leaving was, the rest of their life awaits and they can't wait to start this new chapter of life together.

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