Chapter 2

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Next morning I wake up to a text from an unknown number.

From; Unknown number
I hope I didn't get you in trouble last night :) Kevin

To; Kevin
Not so far ;) How come you had to leave last night?

From; Kevin
Long story :)

How come he won't tell me? That kind of offenses me.

To; Kevin

From; Kevin
Can I see you again?

To; Kevin
I don't know.

From; Kevin
If you're not that interested then just tell me

To; Kevin
It's not that.. My life is just really complicated.

From; Kevin

To; Kevin
I'm not really ready to date. I think you're sweet and all but I'm not over Marshall so it wouldn't be fair.

From; Kevin
I just need someone who knows what I'm going through and I know you do. Don't you need a friend?

To; Kevin
Of course but are you fine with just being my friend?

We flirted a lot last night and I'm very attractive to him so I don't know if we can be just friends.

From; Kevin
Completely! :) What are you up to today?

To; Kevin
Nothing. Deshaun is at his dad.

From; Kevin
Shall I come over with tome take out?

To; Kevin
Chinese ;)

From; Kevin
Text me your address and I'll be there.

In under an hour Kevin is here and he looks even better now when I'm sober and in a prober light. He looks so handsome and he has a very nice smile, his hair is perfect styled and he doesn't look like one who was out drinking last night. Me.. I look like someone who was out drinking last night. I stand here in some shorts and a tank top and my hair is in a messy bun. My brows is done perfectly and then I have some mascara on, that's it. I didn't dress up because I don't wanna impress him, my intention isn't to date him as I don't feel ready for that.
We sit down on the couch and eat as we just begin to talk, it's nice to talk to someone who knows what I'm going through.

"I'm just so heartbroken and it's so ridiculous because it's my own fault." I sigh. We have slowly begin to talk about me and Marshall. Kevin is really easy to talk to.

"You have to fill me in about what happened if you want me to understand Christina." Kevin says. But I don't wanna tell him.

"I'm so embarrassed." I admit.

"Is it that bad?" He asks.

"It's really bad."

"We've all done some things we ain't proud of." He says. Kevin is just a person that you want to open up to and maybe it's also about the fact that he doesn't really know Marshall or me for that matter.

"When I was 20 weeks pregnant, I cheated on him with a security guy we had around the house." I admit.

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know, I mean he wasn't around much which made me sad because he promised me he would, but I remember watching this interview and he was flirting with the interviewer and I got so mad. Me and that security guy were pretty close and we fooled around and then I just kissed him, it was very short but it was enough for Marshall to break up with me. I didn't have a great pregnancy because he started to sleep around with Sasha Grey and it was chaotic." I explain.

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