Chapter 7

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2 days later

I walk out to the mailbox and I find an odd letter, I can see that whoever send it has delivered it personally since my address isn't written on it. I walk inside where Caroline sits on the floor playing with Deshaun. I sit down on the couch and open the letter, it's written on computer.

"You think you see me everywhere? Guess what, I am everywhere. It's not a good idea to step on my toes. This is not a threat, this is a warning." It says.

I'm literally shaking right now and I just read the letter over and over again.

"Do you need my help for anything before I leave?" Caroline asks and I look up at her.

"Have anybody been by the house today or have you noticed any strange people around the house?" I ask her not answering her question.

"No." She says. "Why?"

"Nothing." I say smiling. "Will you fold the clean clothes before you leave?"

"Sure." She says smiling. Caroline does her thing as I just sit down on the floor with Deshaun and play with him. Caroline leaves when she's done folding the clothes.

Later when I stand in the kitchen and make some food, I look out on the street as I feel so watched. I suddenly see a man wearing a hoodie over his head drop something in my mail box, I assume it's Jason but I want it confirm. I run outside but the man is now gone. How can he be gone that fast? I look in the mailbox and there's another letter. I hurry inside and I walk out to the kitchen to read the letter. This time there's a note and a picture. The picture is of me and Kevin the other night at the club. Jason took a picture of me and Kevin kissing.

"He looks like a boyfriend to me." The note says.

I'm freaking out at this point! I look up and the man I assume is Jason now stands across the street looking at me. I still can't see if it's him because of the darkness. Now I don't even dare to go out there, now I'm scared for real and I only know one person in this world who can make me feel safe, but I'm not sure if he'll come if I call. I have to try! I dial Marshall's number and call him.

"Yo." Marshall says when he picks up the phone.

"Hi. Can you come by?" I ask him. My whole body is shaking and therefore my voice is shaking too.


"Can you just come by please?" I ask as I'm still starting at the man across the street.

"Christina stop playing games." Marshall sighs and I can hear the irritation in his voice. He thinks I just want him over because I miss him or something but that's not the case.

"Marshall I'm not playing games! Will you please come by?! I'm fucking scared right now." I say as I walk into the living room to check on Deshaun.

"Tell me what's going on Christina."

"Some psychopath is leaving notes and pictures in my mailbox." I cry.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." He says and hangs up.

I walk out to kitchen again and look out of the window again, he's gone. I want to walk out to the mailbox and see if he's left another note but I'm too scared to go out. I walk into the living room where I wait for Marshall and not even 10 minutes later the doorbell rings. I walk out and I put the safety chain (I don't know if it's called anything specific in English) on before I open the door. I see Marshall standing there with a note in his hand.

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