Chapter 20

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I wake up by the feeling of Marshall kissing me up my spine as I'm laying here sleeping on my stomach. This is the best way to wake up, I love feeling his touch from the moment I wake up.

"Baby, get up." He says in between his kisses. "We have a flight to catch."

"Mmh." I mumble still not opening my eyes.

"You're such a sleepyhead." He chuckles still kissing me up my spine. I just begin to lift my ass and rub it against him to tease him a bit but also because I get a little turn on by feeling his lips on my naked skin. "Yo that's not fair." He sighs but I just keep going. "You know how much I love your fucking ass."

"Mmh." I mumble but keep going and I hear him inhaling sharply.

"Christina." He says in a warning tone.

"So serious." I giggle.

"It's about to get serious if you don't stop." He says.

"And that should stop me?" I laugh.

"It really should." He says and I just keep rubbing my ass against him. "We don't have time."

"Come on." I say as I keep seducing him with my ass.

"You're playing with fire." He whispers husky in my ear as he reaches down between my legs and begin to rub my clit.

"Mmh." I say giggling slightly as I know I just got it my way. He begins to slide a finger inside me as soon as he can feel that I'm ready and I lift my ass and grab the sheets in pleasure. Soon I'm a moaning mess and he now has two fingers inside me that he pumps with so much power.

"You always get your way, don't you?" He asks me husky in my ear.

"Mmh!!" I just moan as I'm not able to find any words because I'm so close to hit my orgasm.

"Well, not today baby." He says and removes his hands from my, smacks my ass and gets up.

"What?!" My voice hits a high note and I turn my head and look at Marshall who's just standing there with this annoying smirk on his face. He can't do this to me, I was so fucking close!

"Be ready in 30 minutes." He just says.

"Marshall.. Please don't do this." I beg him.

"I warned you baby." He chuckles. "30 minutes." And with those words he leaves the bedroom. Fucking asshole!!

I begin to pack my things and get ready and Marshall is out of my way, I think he knows how damn angry he just got me so it's not good for him to get any near me right now. I put on some very casual clothes and do my brows and put on some mascara on and then I'm ready. I walk out to Marshall who sits in the living room on the couch and as soon as he sees me he gets that annoying smirk on his face again.

"Don't smile like that and don't you even look at me." I say giving him an attitude.

"I can't even look at my lady?" He laughs.

"Not when you can't satisfy her needs." I say.

"You know I can satisfy your needs damn well baby." He laughs. He apparently think this is really funny but he can just wait! In the nearly future I'm gonna pay him back big time.

"Fuck you." I hiss. "You know I get in such a bad mood when you do this shit to me."

"Relax.. I'm gonna give it to you later." Marshall chuckles and get up from the couch. "But we need to get going now."

"Yeah whatever." I say rolling my eyes. I turn around and walk towards the front door with Marshall behind me.

"Damn you're really pissed about this, aren't you?" Marshall chuckles behind me which makes me turn around and look at him immediately.

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