Chapter 15

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A week later

Things are pretty good between me and Marshall. He still has his days where he's all moody with me but mostly it's really good between us.

I stand in the kitchen and cleaning and Marshall now walks in.

"Do you mind going out buying Hallie's birthday gift? I have no idea what to get her." He asks and takes a redbull in the fridge.

"No problem." I say smiling.

"Where's Deshaun?" He asks.

"Asleep." I say and Marshall takes a sip of his redbull. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" He asks.

"I wanna know if you meant what you said when you said that I couldn't take any jobs out of the state?" I ask.

"I never said that."

"You did."

"No you said you wanted to do anything, you said you wanted to be a prisoner I this house, if it meant that we could get back together, I told you from the start that I don't want you to give up your dream for me."

"So you don't mind if I'm going to LA during next year?"

"Of course I do, but I still think you should do it."

"Thank you."

"But I wanna know exactly where you are, all the time."

"Of course." I say and bend down to put the pan into the cabinet. Suddenly I feel Marshall's hand smack my ass very heard which results me banging my head up in the counter.

"OUCH!" I arch in pain. My head hurts like a fucking bitch now.

"Fuck.." Marshall chuckles even though I can hear that he tries to hide it. "I'm sorry baby." I look at him and he bites his lip not to laugh. I rub my head trying to ease the pain a little.

"So not funny." I say but I can't help but smiling anyways. 

"It was suppose to be a sexy thing." He says smiling as he gently slaps my butt this time.

"Oh yeah?" I ask seductively now.

"Yeah." He says and pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you." Every time he says that, I just feel this wave of happiness running through my body.

"I love you too." I say and he kisses me again. It gets very intense quickly and Marshall backs me against the kitchen counter where he lifts me on top. He reaches under my skirt, pulls my thong aside and slips two fingers in."Oh my god.." I gasp and he just keeps going as his thumb rubs my clit. There's a tickling feeling in my whole body as I quickly moves towards an orgasm. "I'm so close.." I whimper when I'm right on the edge but... Then the doorbell rings and Marshall stop as he turns his head to look at the screen which shows who's out front, my eyes turns to the screen too where I see Hailie. Is this really happening? ...

"Fuck.." Marshall sighs as he fixes his boner. Wait! What?! He can't just open without finishing me. Seriously, it doesn't even take two minutes because I'm so much at the edge. He can't do this to me!

"No please make me cum before you open." I beg.

"You know I can't." He says and walks out of the kitchen. I can't have Hailie here when I'm so turned on, I can't handle it!

"Marshall you can't do this!" I shout after him as he walks into the hallway.

"Yes I can baby." He says with joy in his voice. He's fucking enjoying it! I jump down from the kitchen counter and fix my hair and clothes so I don't look like one who's just been fucked. I hear Marshall and Hailie's voices come closer and a minute after they walk into the kitchen.

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