Chapter 4

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Marshall dropped Deshaun off yesterday and everything was back to normal, he didn't talk to me, he wouldn't even look at me so I'm back at square one. I just don't understand why he would return my kiss if he apparently hates me so much. I don't wanna use my energy on thinking about that because it's so typical Marshall to act like this.

I come home from work and I see Deshaun and the nanny Caroline playing on the floor. Caroline is seriously the best nanny and she's been my rock since I've become a single mom. Caroline is 24 years old and comes from Sweden so she's here as an au pair but she lives in her own apartment and not with me. I pay her apartment and she gets a good salary.

"Hi guys." I say and Deshaun looks at me with a big smile on his face.

"Hi Christina." Caroline says and get up. I can see that Deshaun's wants me so I walk over there and lift him up from the floor and carry him in my arms.

"Hi baby." I say and kiss him. "Have you been good with Caroline today?" Even though I know that Deshaun hasn't developed a language yet and he can't speak then I'm always talking with him.

"He's just so easy." Caroline says. She's told me it a lot of times before but I never get tired of hearing it. I'm so glad that I've got an easy child.

"Have you had a good day?" I ask her.

"Yes, we've just been playing and he slept for 2 whole hours this afternoon." She says.

"I guess he needed it then." I say smiling as I run my fingers through Deshaun's hair.

"Yes." She says smiling. "Do you need my help for anything before I leave?"

"No, thank you." I say and give her a hug. "I hope you know how much I appreciate you."

"I do." She says.

"Good." I say.

After Caroline leaves, me and Deshaun drive out to Kim. I need to see some people today and I really miss the girls.
We arrive at Kim's house and I sit down and talk with the girls for bit before me and Kim head out to the kitchen for some grown up talk.

"Have you talked with Marshall about last weekend?" I ask Kim. I know that Kim and Marshall talk a lot about a lot of things so I'm curious to know if he's told her about the kiss.

"Yes. He told me that Deshaun had a bad stomach and something about you seeing a new guy." She tells me.

"So he didn't tell you about the kiss?" I ask her and judging from Kim face expression, I already know the answer.

"You guys kissed?" She asks.

"Yes but I'm very confused why it happened, Marshall just said that I shouldn't lay anything into it because he just had a weak moment." I explain her what Marshall has told me.

"So you're not seeing a new guy?" Kim asks.

"I met a guy last Friday at some club and Denaun and Nickle saw me with him there so they told Marshall how Kevin held my around the waist. He's a nice guy and Saturday night we were eating Chinese food and drinking wine, luckily I got him out before Marshall and Deshaun came, but Marshall saw the Chinese food and the two wine glasses so he put two and two together. But like I told Marshall then there's nothing going on with me and Kevin, we haven't even kissed, we just like to hang out and talk." I explain.

"You know that Marshall will never approve a new man in your and Deshaun's life, right?" She asks.

"I don't understand it. He doesn't want me but he won't approve me dating another guy?" I ask.

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