Chapter 16

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"Baby wake up." I hear Marshall say softly in my ear.

"Mmh." I mumble tired. I can feel him softly kiss my neck as he drags me into his naked chest.

"We need to get up and get things ready." He says. Today is Hailie's birthday and we need to get everything ready before people come over and celebrate Christmas and Hailie's birthday.

"Just 5 more minutes." I mumble.

"Then you'll just skip the shower with me." He says.

"You don't play fair." I mumble into the pillow now.

"Have I ever done that?" He chuckles and squeezes my ass. It has been like this lately.. We're doing so good and Marshall is so sweet and affectionate with me and I love it.

"You say something." I giggle.

"Get up." He says and slaps my ass gently before he gets out of bed. I see him walking around the bed with only his sweats on, I can see that he's just come back from his run. I get out of bed and I grab some clean underwear before I head to the bathroom where Marshall is already in the shower. I brush my teeth before I drop my thong as it's the only thing I'm wearing and then I get into the shower. Marshall stands there naked with the water poring down his body, the water really makes his tattoos shine. He takes my hand and pulls me under the water with him for a kiss and I return it eagerly.

"Did you have a good run?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says smiling. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." I giggle. I know I sound a little lazy but I've really never been into that whole workout thing because I've always been lucky with my body, so I don't really need to workout as long as I eat healthy food.

"Have I told you how glad that I am that you're back here?" He asks me in all seriousness now.

"No." I say and it comes out more like a whisper because I'm a little taking back at what he's saying right now.

"I'm so happy that you're back Christina. I've made mistake too and it feels like that I forget to say that to you." He says. He really forgets to say that.

"Let's not talk about that." I say and kiss him.

"No I wanna talk about it." He says. Here? In the shower?


"I almost lost you to someone else and even though all the shit with Aubrey still hunts me then I gotta realize that we were not good for each other and we needed a break. I wasn't good for you and I pushed you into cheating somehow." He says.

"I shouldn't have cheated on you no matter how bad our relationship was."

"How else were you supposed to get away from me?" He asks and I frown my brows in confusion. If I really wanted to leave then I could, no one forced me to stay. "I manipulated you into staying every time."

"If I really wanted to leave then I could just leave." I say.

"We both know that ain't true." He says. I really don't know what to say so I just look down to avoid his eyes. "And one thing I've never had the guts to apologize for was for the fact that I hit you that day." Now I break out in tears because that was the apology I needed the most. "I promise you that I will never lay a hand on you again." He says and pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank you." I cry.

"I promise that I will do everything to make you happy this time. I've already put you through enough shit." He says.

"To be with you is what makes me happy." I mumble into his chest.

"Good because I'm here baby." He says and kisses my forehead.

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