Chapter 11

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It's Friday and me and Leticia have planned to go out tonight so now I'm just waiting for Marshall to come and pick up Deshaun.

The doorbell rings and I open up for Marshall who just walks in.

"Are you going out?" He asks as we walk into the living room. I'm already in my nice dress that I'm gonna wear tonight. 

"Mmh." I just mumble as I begin to get Deshaun ready.

"It pisses me off." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask looking at him over my shoulder. I'm not quite sure what he means.

"That you move on so easily." He says. Is he delusional?

"Are you kidding me right now Marshall?" I ask as I don't believe that he can be serious about what he just said.

"You're going out, having fun and seeing other guys."  He says.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean that I moved on." I frown. Why is it even important for him that I moved on? He doesn't want me anyways.

"If it wasn't for my reactions and actions you would have slept around like a fucking whore." He says and he continues talking before I can say anything. "I've started seeing this fucking dope bitch and I just can't open up to her man, I constantly think "when is she gonna fuck me over?".."

"You started seeing someone else?" I ask surprised and I can feel my heart arch.

"Yeah." He says and I now get up from the floor as Deshaun is dressed now.

"So does she know that we slept together last week?" I ask.

"That's non of her business." He says.

"Who is she? Omg Marshall I can't believe you!" I say. I can't see anyone else but he can?

"Yo, you don't own me!" He says. How ironic!

"You scared Kevin away last week with that trick you pulled so should I do the same?" I ask.

"I thought nothing was going on between the two of you?"

"Yeah because of you!"

"Because of me?!"

"Yeah, you're acting like a fucking psycho as soon as a guy lays eyes on me!"

"You're such a fucking liar you fucking bitch! You told me last week that you haven't slept with anyone because you were in love with me!"

"What does that matter to you? You moved on." I ask.

"You and Kim ruined everything for me and I can't fucking trust her because of you guys!" He blames us which pisses me off.

"And you don't think you have a part in it?" I now fight him. I'm so tired of him blaming all people around him. I'm not saying that it's his fault that I cheated but I wouldn't had cheated if he had treated me good.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He frowns.

"Don't you think it's funny that two women who actually deeply loved you cheated on you? Maybe you should try to look at your own actions Marshall." I throw in his face.

"Oh.." He laughs in that evil way. "You're so fucking lucky that Deshaun is in the room with us now."

"Or else you would hit me again?" I ask and before I know it my back hits the dresser from him pushing me. Deshaun starts crying and Marshall lifts him up and comfort him. I know I crossed the line but I can't believe he just did that in front of Deshaun.

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