Chapter 6

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The past week I've seen Jason everywhere, sometimes he doesn't even say anything but other times he comes over and speaks to me, but then I just pretend that I'm busy. No one but Kevin knows about Jason but I'm getting more and more convinced that I've gotten my own stalker now and that's not something I'm comfortable with. I'm not scared at Jason or anything but he creeps me out a little.

Today me, Kevin's friend Stella, Stella's flirt Harry and Kevin are going out clubbing. It's gonna be nice to go out and think about something else. I've had a really hard time lately with all the confusing with Marshall but also with the feeling of being stalked by Jason.
Stella is a really nice girl and her and Harry look good together. Things between me and Kevin have definitely developed a bit, we haven't kissed or anything but there's definitely a little more flirt in the air.
We stand in the bar the all 4 of us and we're all a bit tipsy by now as we've been drinking a lot of drinks and shots.

"Can I just say something?" Stella asks me and Kevin but before we get the chance to answer, Stella continues talking. "The two of you would make a really good couple." I look at Kevin smiling and he smiles back. We would be a really good couple and I'm not saying that it won't happen because it could happen, but I just want to take things slow and I know Kevin wants that as well. "And it's so obvious that you like each other!" She says now that me and Kevin just stand here and look at each other. I look at Stella now and I see her giggle.

"What do you want me to say?" I giggle.

"Do you like him?" She asks.

"Of course I like him. What's not to like about him?" I say and now I don't dare to look at Kevin because I get a little shy.

"Then why aren't you dating?" Stella pushes it. I now look at Kevin trying to hint that he should say something now, because I don't have an answer but Kevin just stands there smiling. I realize now that he wants me to say something because perhaps he doesn't have an answer. Is he suddenly ready for dating? I look back at Stella now.

"I'm just not ready yet." I tell her. Harry says something in Stella's ear now and they begin to have a conversation that me and Kevin can't hear because of the music. Kevin places himself in front of me now and look down at me.

"You like me?" He asks with a boyish smile and I can feel myself getting shy.

"You know I do." I say.

"I like you too." He says.

"I know." I say. Kevin wraps his arms around my and pushes me on the small of my back to push me closer to him.

"No, I like you a lot Christina." He says now. I look down to the floor as I get so shy that I can't even look him in the eyes. This is a total fucked up situation because I still love Marshall but I'm really starting to like Kevin. "Was it wrong of me to say?"

"No." I say and look at him now. "Not at all."

"I don't think I can be just friends with you for much longer." He says. I can't help it anymore, I kiss him and it feels really good. I can feel Kevin pull me even closer and the kiss is eager and somehow needed. I run my hands down his chest and in reality I just wanna rip his shirt off right now, it makes me realize that we're not gonna go home with each other because then we'll just have sex.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." I giggle when I pull away from the kiss. Kevin lets me go and I walk through the crowd. Holy shit.. Did we just kiss? We did.. We kissed.. He's an amazing kisser! I want more of him, my god I want more. Maybe I should go home soon because I'm drunk and if I don't get a hold of myself then me and Kevin are gonna end up having sex. Someone now grabs my wrist and I turn around, in a split second I feel sober because there's Jason.

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