Chapter 10

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Next morning

I wake up and I haven't even opened my eyes before I begin to smile. A movie of me and Marshall last night plays in my head. He's right; I'll never find someone like him. I open my eyes and to my disappointment Marshall isn't laying in bed next to me. I take my phone to check the clock but I see a text from Marshall instead.

From; Marshall
Me and Deshaun are at Kim's.

To; Marshall
Okay. Is he coming home today?

I actually expected a text from Kevin so I wonder why he hasn't texted me.

To; Kevin
I'm so sorry about last night! I'm so embarrassed.

From; Kevin
It's fine.

It's not fine I can tell!

To; Kevin
Why do I have a feelings it isn't?

From; Kevin

Wow.. He's really giving me the cold shoulder.

To; Kevin
Please Kev, don't be like that.

From; Kevin
I don't get why you let him control you like that. I know that there's some feelings flying around between us but I start to doubt how you really feel about me after last night.

I have to tell him the truth now.

To; Kevin
You know how I feel about you but I have to be honest with you. I slept with Marshall last night.

Kevin doesn't answer and I didn't expect him to.

From; Marshall

Late afternoon Marshall shows up with Deshaun. I've decided that we need to talk about last night because I'm so confused. I know I just lost a good guy because I slept with Marshall so it's only fair that Marshall clears my confusing.

"Did you have fun with daddy and Kim today?" I ask Deshaun in my sweet mommy voice as I take off his jacket.

"And Hailie, Lainy and Whitney too right?" Marshall says in his daddy voice. I now look up at Marshall and he also looks at me.

"Can we talk about last night?" I ask as I give Deshaun something to play with on the floor.

"It was just sex Christina." Marshall sighs. It hurts me to hear him say that because it wasn't just sex to me.

"Nothing else?" I ask.

"We're not gonna get back together."

"That's not what I asked."

"What do you want me to say?" I can hear the irritation in his voice.

"Did it mean anything to you?" I ask.

"I guess."

"You guess?"

"It meant for a moment that I wasn't feeling like hurting you." He says. He's such an asshole..

"Did you really just say that?"

"Can you blame me?"

"Just forget it." I sigh and I join Deshaun on the floor.

"I'm gonna take off now." He says.

"Okay." I say coldly. Marshall walks over and kisses Deshaun on the forehead before he leaves.

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