Chapter 12

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"Honey I'm home!!" I yell as I walk into the house and I shut the door with a loud bang to provoke him even more. He was the one who wanted me in this condition so now he's asking for it. Marshall comes out to the hall with an extremely angry look on his face.

"Will you keep it the fuck down? You're gonna wake up Deshaun." Marshall says. I just walk passed him and walk to the kitchen to see if I can find something to drink. It's weird being in his house because I haven't been here since I moved out."What are you doing?" I don't answer him but I just keep walking. I want to provoke him as much as possible as I'm very pissed off. I find the whiskey in the drink cabinet. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks and takes the bottle of whiskey out of my hand.

"I'm not drunk enough for this." I say.

"You've had enough." He says and put the whiskey back in the cabinet. I walk over to the island and lean my back against it as I stare at him with an annoyed look.

"What do you want Marshall?" I ask.

"How do you think it is for me that I fucked you last week and now Denaun is telling me that you're standing down at some fucking club trading spit with Kevin?" He frowns.

"I think you're fine because you can just call Molly." I throw in his face.

"Who the fuck told you her name?" Marshall frowns clearly angry that I know her name.

"Hmm.. that little snitch of yours." I say.

"Denaun told you?"

"Yeah he also told me how young she is."

"I'm gonna kill him."

"So don't you kick fucking dirt in my face." I hiss.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

"Yes." I say honestly and I already know that this is gonna tick him off.

"You're such a fucking liar!! You kept telling me how much you loved me!" He yells now.

"I do Marshall! But I can't wait for you to stop hating me because lets face it, it'll never gonna happen! And after what you said and did today and finding out about that Molly bitch then I think I'm gonna give it a shot with Kevin."

"You know I won't allow that!" He yells taking a step closer to me.

"Marshall you can't control me anymore, I'm done with that shit!" I yell in frustration.

"Oh.." He laughs in a evil way. "Do you really wanna find out what's gonna happen if you start being serious with him?"

"You can't stop me." I say as I wanna show him that his threats doesn't bother me but really they do.

"Wait and fucking see." He says.

"Can I go now?"

"How the fuck are you gonna get home?"

"I'm gonna call a cab." I say and I begin to walk out of the kitchen and towards the front door, but Marshall catches up on me and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Stay the night." He says in my ear. He's doing it again, he's only being sweet because he doesn't have me in his control right now.

"Marshall you're only doing this so you can confuse me and make me stop seeing Kevin." I say.

"I can't let anyone else have you Christina."

"Unless you wanna get back together then you can't keep me to yourself."

"I can't, you know that." He sighs.

"Then it's too bad for you." I say and break out of his arms. I take a couple of steps towards the front door again but now Marshall grabs me, pushes me against the wall and kisses my neck, he's desperate now. You have to be strong Christina! "Marshall stop!" I say and push him away which leaves him with a confused look on his face.

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