Chapter 17

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I arrived to LA 4 days ago and I've been working none stop ever since and of course I'm straight to the business again today. Last week we celebrated Deshaun's first birthday with the whole family and friends, it was really nice. Marshall is gonna arrive to LA tonight because he has some kind of music thing to attempt to and he wants me with him on the red carpet. It's gonna be really exciting because I've never been with him on the red carpet and people don't even know that we're back together so that's gonna be exciting.
Right now I'm on my way out to a studio where I have to get Rihanna ready for a photo shoot. I like Rihanna and she's really sweet, it's not the first time that I work with her.


I walk into the studio and there sits Rihanna talking to some guy I don't know who is. She turns around and look at me when she hears my heels on the floor.

"Hi Christina." She says and walks over to me and hugs me.

"Hi Robyn." I say and return her hug.

"You look good girl." She says and takes a good look at me. "You've finally gained some weight again. It's good to see."

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"You're doing good, I see." She giggles.

"I'm doing great." I say. "And you're looking good as always."

"Stop." She giggles pushing my shoulder lightly. "I can't top that." She says and points at me.

"You know I'm not good with all those compliments." I giggle but I'm actually being honest.

"Get use to it girl." She giggles. I now hear the front door open and I turn my head to look who it is and it's Aubrey. Shit.. I haven't talked to him since the day Marshall texted him. This could get really awkward.

"Aubrey." Rihanna says smiling as she walks over and hugs him.

"Hi Robyn." Aubrey says and looks at me over her shoulder. I really don't know what to do because I don't know if he's angry with me or what.

"You look good." Rihanna compliments him as she breaks the hug.

"So do you." Aubrey says and he looks at me again as I'm just standing here feeling awkward. "Hi Christina."

"Hi." I say breaking a tiny smile.

"You know each other?" Rihanna asks as she looks back and forward at us.

"Yeah we've met before." Aubrey just says.

"Yes I worked on the forever video." I hurry to say before Rihanna gets to feel the awkwardness.

"Oh yeah." She just says smiling as she walks towards the chair. "Well, shall we get started?"

"Let's get started." I say and Rihanna sits down in the chair.

Rihanna and Aubrey talk a lot as I do her makeup and I like to stay out of the conversation so it doesn't get awkward. They talk a lot about the event tomorrow which Aubrey apparently also appears to. I don't like that he has to be in the same place as me and Marshall as I know Marshall's temper and I know how much he hates Aubrey. It's really a shame that I slept with him because Aubrey is a really nice guy and he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets from Marshall, or I guess he kinda do because he should've known better than to sleep with me, I should've known better too.
After I'm done styling Rihanna, she walks into another room to get the pictures taken which leaves me and Aubrey alone. He walks over and leans against the table where I'm packing all my products.

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