Chapter 23

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I walk into the grocery store with Alaina to go shopping for tonight, tonight we're gonna have a movie night, Alaina, Hailie, Whitney, Deshaun, Kim, Marshall and me.

"I'm so looking forward to this because we haven't had a family night like this in like forever." Alaina says as we walk around throwing things into the basket. It's true, we haven't had a family night in like forever with all of us together.

"No we haven't so it was a really good idea that Hailie came up with." I say. We walk around for a while and find candy, fruit and cakes for tonight. I suddenly hear someone say my name behind me and I turn around and there's Kevin.

"Kevin." I say shocked. I don't know what I'm most surprised by; that he's here or that he's actually coming over to me.

"I need to talk to you sometime.."

"No Kevin, you know that's not gonna happen." I cut him off.

"I know that he has you in the palm of his hand but.."

"I love Marshall." I cut him off giving him a very bitchy stare. "You never meant anything to me and you need to stop believing that you were ever more than that."

"So what about that night at the club?" He frowns.

"Leave me alone." I say and begin to walk away from him because I don't want Alaina to witness this as I don't think this concerns her, but Kevin grabs my arm and spins me around.

"You told me and my friends that you had feelings for me." He says now.

"I have security right out front and if you don't let go of my arm right now then I will call them." I hiss which makes Kevin let go of my arm.

"Someday he'll fuck you over again, you know that right?" He says but I don't say anything, I just leave. I have no idea how to explain this to Alaina and there's silence as we pay our things and go out to the car.

"What was that about?" Alaina asks me as soon as we're in the car. "And be honest."

"Kevin was a very good friend back when me and Marshall weren't together." I say.

"It didn't sound like just a good friend." Alaina states.

"We flirted but nothing more." I say.

"And then you got back together with Marshall?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"And now he's really hung up on you?"

"Apparently.. I haven't talked with him since me and Marshall got back together."

"Creepy." She says and she's totally right. Kevin got very angry about those texts back then and he should, he shouldn't grab me like that and say those things in front of Alaina. I never thought that Kevin was that kind of guy but he's really ongoing and Marshall is gonna flip if he hears about this.

"Marshall is gonna go crazy if we tell him this." I say.

"Christina, you're not gonna hide this from him, no more secrets because that'll only make it worse." Alaina says and she's right. I just know that Kevin is a sensitive subject for Marshall and he's gonna flip as soon as he hears that he grabbed me.

"I know and I'll tell him, I just know that Kevin is a sensitive subject." I say.

"Good." She says smiling.

We drive home where the house is full and I know now is the best time to pull Marshall aside to talk to him. He's happy now and he can't go all crazy with the kids here.
We walk into the house and Marshall immediately takes our bags and walk out to the kitchen with them. I follow right behind him and hope that non of the kids will follow us.

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