Chapter 18

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I wake up and Marshall is not in the bed. I know that he probably already got up a few hours ago. I roll over and look at the clock, it's 9:41am so I better get up now. I walk into the living room assuming that Marshall will be there but he isn't, so I walk outside and Marshall sits there with his headphones on writing some lyrics. I walk up behind him and gently touch his back to announce my appearance, he takes his headphones off and looks at me.

"Good morning baby." He says and I bend down and kiss him.

"Good morning." I say smiling and he pulls me down to his lap.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Mmh." I mumble lightly as I look down to the lyrics.

"I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is falling
Why am I so differently wired in my noggin?

What about them rhymes I've been jottin'
They're kinda giving me confidence
Instead of tryna escape through my comics,
Why don't I just blast a little something like Onyx
To put me in the mood to wanna fight and write songs that say what I wanna say to the kid that said that I eyeballed him

Now you shut up bitch, I am talking
Thought I was full of horseshit and now
You fucking worship the ground in which I am walking
Me against the world so what? I'm Brian Dawkins
Versus the whole 0 and 16 Lions offense

You don't respect the legacy I leave behind y'all can
Suck a dick, the day you beat me pigs'll fly out my ass in a flying saucer full of Italian sausage"

Wow.. How long has he been up?

"Are you okay?" He asks as I'm just staring at the paper.

"Did you write all this today?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I felt inspired." He says.

"I like it." I say. "Specially the last part."

"I think I'm gonna collect enough songs to release an album in 2013." He says.

"Cool." I say leaning back so I'm leaning on him.

"Do you have anything to wear tonight?" He asks.

"I took a couple of dresses with me." I say.

"I wanna buy you a dress for tonight." He says kissing my neck.

"You don't have to." I say because I really have so many dresses already.

"But I want to. It's been so long since I've bought you anything baby." He says pulling me even closer.

"Okay then." I say smiling.

"Where would you prefer to go?" He asks.

"Actually.. We have a department here in LA so I'd like to go there because then I'll also get some refund." I say.

"Yo.. Don't think about the price baby." He says.

"I don't. I just know that's where all the new collections are." I say.

"Alright, then we'll go there." He agrees and there's a minute of silence. "I'm sorry how I handle that whole Aubrey situation yesterday."

"Don't think about it baby. I understand." I say and turn my head and kiss him.

"I just hate him." He sighs.

"I know." I say.


We walk into the department that I used to work at when I lived in LA. It hasn't changed much here but there's a lot of new employees here. I don't really miss it here because people, specially the girls could be some really stuck up bitches and I hate to be around people like that. I walk over to my old boss' office and I knock gently on the door.

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