Chapter 9

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We're in the month of December now and nothing has really changed much. I haven't heard anything from Jason like Marshall said I wouldn't. I don't know what Marshall did and I don't think I'd want to know, besides I know that Marshall would never tell me. Marshall barely talks to me again, I don't know what's up with him and why he has to be like that again.
Kevin is coming tonight when I've put Deshaun to bed and I'm really looking forward to it. Things are still the same between me and Kevin, we have a lot of chemistry but I know that he's waiting for me to take the first step. I guess I'm a little scared because I still have these feelings for Marshall, at the same time I know that I would've to deal with Marshall if I started dating Kevin.
It knocks gently on the front door and I know it's Kevin as I asked him not to use the doorbell in case he'll wake up Deshaun. I open the door and Kevin gives me one of these nice affectionately hugs and then he takes of his jacket.

"I'm so tired of Rachel." Kevin sighs. Rachel is the mother of his daughter.

"What's going on?" I ask as we walk towards the living room.

"I was at this club last night and I saw her there." He says and we sit down on the couch.

"Wait.. didn't you switch weekend this weekend?" I ask as I thought him and Rachel switched weekend because this weekend normally is Kevin's weekend. Rachel asked to switch the weekends last weekend as she had other plans so now I'm confused why she was at a club.

"Exactly. So I went up to her and asked where Amy was and she was so drunk that you wouldn't believe it Christina." He says and shakes his head.

"Then where was Amy then?"

"At Rachel's mom but she shouldn't have found me at some fucking club while it was my weekend, she would have kept her from me or some shit like that."

"Exactly." I say as I know how Rachel can be.

"So I tried to give her the same medicine but she's so.. urg!" He now bursts out. "I mean, she's a really good actor so she made me look like the bad guy at that club and suddenly some guys came over and asked me to back the fuck off and then all the shit went down, we were yelling in each other's mouths and then I ended up being kicked out."

"Fucking bitch!" I say totally in shock of her behavior. Kevin just talks about this thing with Rachel and I'm just listening as I can tell that it's the thing he needs right now.

We talk for a little over an hour when it suddenly knocks on the door which I find a bit weird because I'm not expecting anybody. I walk out to the door and open it, it's Marshall. Kevin is here while Deshaun is here, something I promised Marshall wasn't gonna happen so if he finds out that Kevin is here then he's gonna be so angry.

"Hi." I say.

"What the fuck is Kevin doing here?" He asks angrily as he just walks in. I don't know how he knows or how he found out that Kevin is here, expect from if he found out what car he's driving in.

"Marshall.." I say as I try to stop him but he just keeps walking towards the living room where Kevin sits.

"Get the fuck out." Marshall says to Kevin.

"Yo listen.. I'm not.." Kevin tries to speak.

"I don't care, get out." Marshall cuts him off.

"Marshall, you can't just come over here and kick people out of my house." I say in an angry tone and he turns around to face me.

"I sure fucking can when my son is sleeping in the other room." He hisses with an angry look. Kevin now gets up from the couch and I can't imagine how he must feel right now, I'm so embarrassed that Marshall is acting like this and I feel so sorry for Kevin as Marshall can be really scary and intimidating.

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