Chapter 3

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Next morning.

I wake up by the sound of Deshaun crying so I go into his room where Marshall is already standing leaning over his crib.

"Good morning buddy." He says as he takes him up in his arms. Marshall turns around and he seems surprised to see me up.

"Do you want me to change him?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says coldly and hands Deshaun to me.

"Good morning baby." I say to Deshaun and kisses his forehead. I try to make eye contact with Marshall but without luck. I don't know how he feels after last night and right now it seems like he's trying to take some distance from me.

I walk out to the bathroom and change Deshaun's diaper, it seems like he's doing a lot better today which is just positive. I'm so confused about all the things that went down last night. Me and Marshall kissed and I'm not sure how to position myself in all this. Did that kiss mean something to him? What is he thinking? Did he get jealous about Kevin last night? I have all these question that I can't get an answer on because I'm afraid to ask Marshall.
I give Deshaun a new diaper on and get him dressed before I walk out to the living room where Marshall sit on the couch. I hand Deshaun to him and walk out to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Deshaun.

"Do you want anything Marshall?" I ask him as I'm making some food for Deshaun.

"No." He just answers from the living room. I take Deshaun's food into the living room where I place it on the dining table. Marshall walks over to me and place Deshaun in his chair and then he sits at the table and begin to feed him. I sit down across from Marshall.

"Can we talk about last night?" I ask him.

"I prefer not to." He says and he doesn't even bother to look at me.

"But I prefer to talk about it." I say.

"I don't give damn about what you prefer." He says looking at me shortly with this cold look.

"Marshall you're confusing me." I say.

"I just had a weak moment Christina." He says as he gives Deshaun another spoonful of food in his mouth.

"A weak moment?" I ask.

"For fuck sake Christina." Marshall sighs rolling his eyes and he now looks at me. "Will you just fucking leave it?" I know that I can't push it anymore now so I don't say anything. The rest of feeding of Deshaun continues in silence. I feel like crying. It's like starting all over again because I felt his lips against mine last night and now he's taking all hopes away from me again.

"He's feeling a lot better today." I say as Marshall take him out of his chair after feeding him.

"I know." He just says coldly. "I'm taking him with me and then I'm gonna come with him Tuesday afternoon."

"Okay." I say. Marshall walks out to the hallway as I pack some clothes for Deshaun. I wanna cry so bad but I don't wanna do it when Marshall is here.

I pack some clothes and then I walk out to Marshall and Deshaun. I give Marshall the clothes and kiss Deshaun goodbye. It's always so hard to say goodbye because I'm gonna miss him like crazy for the next two days.
After Marshall and Deshaun leave I grab my phone, I wonder if Kevin is angry about something I wrote last night. I wanna spend some time with Kevin and I want to know him better. We have so much in common and it would be nice to talk to someone who knows what I'm going through.

To; Kevin
You suddenly stopped answering last night. Have I done anything wrong?

From; Kevin
No. I guess I just thought it was a little weird that Marshall spend the night.

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