Chapter 13

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Next morning

I wake up early and I grab one of Marshall's t-shirt to wear, I walk into Deshaun to see if he's awake and he is. I walk into his room and lift him up from his crib and it feels so weird to be in his room in Marshall's house, the room I decorated with Susan.

"Good morning baby." I say to Deshaun and he gives me huge smile, the one a mother loves to get. I go downstairs and place him in his chair and I begin to make some breakfast for him. I really can't explain how strange this feels. I put on some music and I begin to dance and sing as I move my hips to the beat.

"You look hot." I suddenly hear Marshall's voice behind me which makes me jump in surprise.

"My god!" I gasp followed with a laugh as I turn around to look at him. He stands there in his sweat pants and no shirt looking hot as hell! "You almost gave me a heart attack." Marshall walks over to Deshaun and kisses him on the forehead.

"I'm gonna go for a run." He informs me.

"Okay." I say smiling like a lovesick teenager. This feels different.

"Are you making waffles?" He asks me.

"Mmh." I say smiling.

"Awesome." He says and leaves the kitchen.

I finish Deshaun's food and begin to feed him. After I've fed him then I put him down on the floor with some toy while I begin to make Marshall's waffles. The music is loud and I'm just really enjoying standing in this kitchen making breakfast for Marshall, it feels so wonderfully familiar. Suddenly I feel Marshall's hands around my waist and he leans his head on my shoulder.

"They're playing your song in the radio." I point out as they play love the way you lie.

"Mmh." He just mumbles and then he apparently waits for the perfect lyrics because he then begins to rap in my ear. "It's the rage that took over, It controls you both. So they say you're best to go your separate ways. Guess that they don't know you cud today that was yesterday, yesterday is over, it's a different day" I really love when he raps in my ear, it actually turns me on a lot, like hello who wouldn't get that?

"I love you." I say and grab him behind his neck with my one hand. 

"I lo.." He only gets to say before we get cut off by someone coughing. We both turn around and there is Alaina. That's not good, this just can't happen. Me and Marshall have absolutely no idea where we stand so therefore shouldn't his kids know anything about what's going on between us at the moment. "Alaina." Marshall says snd I turn down the music.

"Sorry the music was so loud, I didn't mean to walk in on you like that." She says as she squats down to say hi to Deshaun. Marshall looks at me and I can tell that we're thinking the same thing; fuck. Alaina now looks at us after a while of talking with Deshaun and me and Marshall haven't said a word. "You're acting like someone is dead."

"Yeah.. I'm sorry.." Marshall still has a hard time finding the words. "So what's up baby?"

"I just thought I would come by and say hi to my old man before I go back to the school." Alaina says smiling. She's going to college now so she's only home on the weekends.

"Yo I'm not old." Marshall says.

"Marshall, you just turned 40. you're old." I say.

"Oh.." Alaina laughs at how brave I am.

"You got some nerves Christina." Marshall laughs and I know he's gonna take some revenge for that comment.

"So do you mind if I ask what's going on between the two of you? I mean.. normally you barely talk to each other and suddenly Christina is in your kitchen making waffles while you have your hands around her waist?" Alaina asks the question we both probably feared she would ask.

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