Chapter 24

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All people around us now know that Marshall and I are engaged, many people actually think it was about time and I couldn't be happier because I'm about to marry the man of my dreams. Marshall now walks into the kitchen where I sit on the laptop just surfing around.

"I got a surprise for you." Marshall says.

"You have?" I ask smiling and he now has my full attention.

"Yeah." He says and pulls me up from the chair to sit down and then he pulls me down to sit in his lap. He lays a little box in my lap and I already know what it is; it's my engagement ring. "I think it's about time I give you an engagement ring." I open the box and there's the most beautiful ring.

I can tell that it's really expensive but it's also what I expected from Marshall

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I can tell that it's really expensive but it's also what I expected from Marshall. The ring is just my style and it shows that Marshall knows me so well.

"It's really beautiful." I say and kiss him. Marshall reaches into the box in my hands, takes the ring and put it on my finger.

"It looks beautiful on you." He says in my ear.

"You're making me cry." I say as I can feel my eyes get watery.

"Hey, I know that I'm difficult to live with but you can just say no if you don't want this." He jokes.

"You idiot." I laugh through my happy tears as I lightly hit his chest.

"But I'm your idiot." He says and kisses me.

"Yes you are." I say and Marshall now looks so serious.

"I have to discuss something with you." Marshall says.

"That doesn't sound good." I say.

"Yeah it's something that you won't be too happy about." Marshall says and he's really starting to worry me. "We have to do an interview together." Marshall knows that I don't like to be pulled into his famous world and do an interview with him will exactly do that.

"Why?" I ask.

"We need to lay the cards on the table with the whole Sasha and Drake and tell them about our future plans." Marshall says.

"Future plans? Like we're getting married?" I ask.

"Mmh." He mumbles against my cheek as he kisses me. "I want the whole world to know that we're getting married."

"Can't you just do an interview on your own?" I ask.

"I want you with me, I want everyone to see my future wife." He says.

"Can't we just do a radio interview then?" I ask as I don't want to be in television.

"As you wish." He says and kisses me. "Imma call Paul to set up an interview then."

"Do that." I say and Marshall kisses me before he gets up and makes a call.

5 days later

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