Chapter 22

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Marshall has been away a lot lately because he's working on his new album, but he's coming home today and I've missed him so much. I wanted someone to watch Deshaun today but Marshall wouldn't let me because he misses him, I get that, I see him everyday and Marshall doesn't. My plan was to have a day with Marshall where we could just enjoy each other but I guess we just have to do that when Deshaun is asleep.

I hear some noise in the house as me and Deshaun are in the in swimming pool and I know it's Marshall who's home now. Deshaun loves water so we are often in the pool as I also think it's a good exercise for him.

"Christina?" I hear Marshall's voice calling out from the living room.

"We're in the pool." I say loudly so he can hear where we are. Marshall walks into the room and he smiles when he sees me and Deshaun in the water.

"Having fun?" He chuckles.

"Yeah.. You should join." I say.

"Naah.. I've haven't been around you for 3 weeks so you in that bikini is no good." Marshall says. I swim over to the edge with Deshaun in my arms.

"I've missed you." I say and stretch my neck so he knows I wanna kiss him, he gets the hint and squats down and kisses me.

"I've missed you too." Marshall says and Deshaun now reaches for Marshall which makes Marshall smile. "Come here buddy." Marshall takes Deshaun out of my arms and carries him. I get up from the pool and walk passed Marshall and I can see his eyes are all over me so I swing a little extra with my hips. "Fuck.. You're mean." He says behind me and I can't help but laugh. I can hear that Marshall follows behind me as I walk out of the pool area. "Mommy is killing me buddy."

"Daddy just have to be patient." I say.

"Mmh I can be your daddy." Marshall teases me as he knows I hate it.

"Say something like that and I'll give you blue balls."
I warn him as I turn around and look at him.

"I already got blue balls." He laughs.

"That's your own fault." I say.

"Is it?"

"Yes I could've been bend over a table with you inside me right now but you made your choice." I smirk.

"Yo.. I've missed my son." Marshall says and pulls Deshaun a little closer. I can't blame him, I'd have made the same choice if I hadn't seen Deshaun for 3 weeks.

"I know." I say smiling.

"But don't worry.. Later Imma bend you over a table and fuck you till' you beg me to stop."

"Marshall, can we please not have this conversation in front of Deshaun?" I say as I think it's extremely inappropriate.

"What?" He laughs. "You started it!"

"No I did not."

"You did. You started talking dirty to me." Marshall chuckles.

"I didn't talk dirty to you, I declared your choice." I laugh.

"Yeah right." He chuckles and looks at Deshaun. "Come buddy, we don't wanna be surrounded by mean women like mom."

"Fuck you." I laugh as he leaves the room with Deshaun.


The front door goes up and I know it's either; Kim, one of the girls, Leticia or the security. I just sit in the kitchen on my laptop watching YouTube videos to keep myself updated on the new trends as the roast is in the oven.

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