Chapter 19

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"I listened to her a whole night so I think I do know." Aubrey tells Marshall with a provoking smile on his face. I know I'm getting in trouble for all this when me and Marshall gets home, I know that this has pushed some buttons on Marshall and it's me who's gonna take all the shit.

"Hey!" One of the security guards now yells to get Marshall's attention and Marshall looks in their direction. "What's going on here?"

"He's just a bitch because I fucked his girl man." Aubrey says and I can't believe that he just said that. I can see that Marshall is beyond pissed and if this had been the old Marshall back in the 2000's then Aubrey wouldn't have had a face right now.

"You're so dead man." Marshall hisses but let go of him. "You're gonna regret this."

"You're just a fucking pussy. If you wanted to do something then you'd already had done it." Aubrey chuckles and this makes Marshall grip him by his throat this time and press him hard against the wall. The security quickly grab Marshall and pull him back and by that they break up the fight.

"You have to leave now." The one security guard say.

"I'll be happy to." Marshall says and begins to walk. He doesn't even bother to look back to see if I'm with him, it's like he doesn't even care if I go with him. I look at Aubrey now and I can see the satisfaction on his face, he's happy with how it ended.

"That was not necessary Aubrey." I say.

"He started it." Aubrey says like some fucking school kid.

"You enjoyed provoking him!" I raise my voice at him now and Aubrey just shakes his head and walk passed me. I walk outside and I can't see Marshall anywhere but instead there's reporters taking pictures of me everywhere and they're trying to ask me questions but I don't listen. I can't make out what they're saying and I just wanna find Marshall. I walk back inside and find my phone in my purse.

To; Marshall
Where are you?

I now see Curtis walk over to me.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asks me. I wonder how much he knows, I know that he must know something since he asks but who knows besides him then?

"Marshall came into a fight with Aubrey." I say. "And now I can't find him and he just got kicked out."

"Fuck." Curtis sighs and put the phone to his ear. He stands there for awhile and I just stand here waiting as well. "He doesn't pick up." Curtis finally says. I get impatient and also a little worried. Marshall wouldn't just leave me here, would he?

"I don't know what to do Curtis. Marshall is beyond angry right now and I know who he's gonna take it out on now." I say.

"Who else should he take it out on? You fucked him." Curtis says. His words hit me and I don't know if I should get angry or sad.

"Thank you." I just say rolling my eyes as I look away from him.

"I think you're cool and shit but you can't deny that this is your fault Christina." Curtis says and I just keep looking away from him still not saying anything. I know that he's right and it hurts that I caused this. "This shit is really bad because it's gonna be all over the fucking news tomorrow man."

"I just need to find Marshall." I say as I walk towards the exit but I feel Curtis grabbing my arm.

"You can't walk out there when there's cameras snapping your every move." Curtis says.

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