Chapter 5

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2 weeks later

Me and Kevin see each other at every opportunity we have but still just as friends, but I like him more than just a friend but I like to take it slow.

Today I'm having a job at a new small male model company. I'm always so excited to meet new people and it's always nice to work some new places. I walk into to the studio and there's 4 models, one manager and a photographer. I come in here with my suitcases filled with clothes, accessories, makeup and styling products. The manager walks over to me and introduces himself, his name is Brian and he just begins to explain me a little bit about what they're going for and their achievements are and so on. The first model I have is Mike, he's really sweet and good looking, he's married and have two sons. I love to hear about my client's life and I love to get to know my clients. The second model I have sit down in the chair, he's also really good looking and his name is Jason but he seems a little arrogant.

"So.. Jason, are you married?" I ask just to start a conversation as I do his hair.

"No." He just says and makes eye contact with me in the mirror. "What about you?"

"No." I say smiling.

"No boyfriend either?" He asks.

"Nope." I say and he just begins to chuckle. I get really confused because I don't understand why he finds it funny. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing's funny. I just can't believe how such a beautiful woman can be single." He compliments me. Oh that's kinda sweet.

"Well, someone has to be." I joke giggling.

"Then it's just perfect that the both of us are singles." He says. That's too pushy..

"Any kids?" I try to change the subject.

"Nope." He says. "What about you?"

"A son."

"How old?" He asks. Doesn't he know who I am? I don't like to sound like a big celebrity because I'm not, but people around here know that I'm Eminem's ex girlfriend.

"11 months." I say.

"Then it can't be that long ago since you split with your ex boyfriend, husband or whatever." He says.

"Ex boyfriend." I confirm. "And no.. It's about 5 months ago."

"He must be stupid for letting you go." He says. Not really.

"You might think that." I say. I think this conversation is making me really uncomfortable at this point and Jason is way to pushy.

Jason just keeps talking and he's flirting so hard with me but not in the flattering way but in the creepy way. After we've finished styling then we move on to the clothes and Jason is getting ongoing. He takes every opportunity to touch me or gently lay hands on me, he's creeping me out and I feel very uncomfortable.

"Maybe you wanna grab some dinner sometime?" Jason asks me as we're almost finished.

"We have really strict rules about socializing in private with our clients." I lie.

"That's a shame." He smirks. I can feel myself getting nonsense and my palms is getting sweaty because I'm so nervous.


When I later get home from work, I can't get Jason out of my head but I also feel silly because he didn't really do anything, hypocritically he was just hitting on me but there was just something about him that made me so uncomfortable.
Caroline tells me about her day with Deshaun and I'm listening but I'm not really there, you know? Sometimes there's just guys like that, I know that but Jason is different, Jason couldn't really read my signals or did he refuse to read my signals? I also find it very weird that he didn't know who I am at all and still he was pushy. Normally people is so pushy because they're hoping to meet Marshall if they get close to me. Was it all an act and is he just a crazy fan? No.. A crazy fan wouldn't hit on me like Jason did.

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