Chapter Seven

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When it started to get dark, we decided that we should face the inevitable. Xavier helped me onto the horse first, then he got on himself. We rode it content silence, with me leaning into him gently once more.

"Xavier, before you said you had a girl that caught your eye... what's her name?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.


"Yes?" I tilted my head to look up at him.

I felt Xavier's chest move as he laughed. I scrunched my brows together, confused.

He said, "The woman I fancy is you."

"Oh," I said, blushing slightly. "I always hoped our fathers would get over their fight so that I could marry you," I whispered quietly, feeling my cheeks heat up even more.

He leaned down and kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and let myself not worry about what will happen when we arrive home. We broke the kiss and went back to content silence. The closer we got to our homes, the more nervous I became. Xavier seemed to feel the same way, because he tensed up a little behind me. I took long, deep breaths, trying to sooth my nerves. The horse stopped sooner than I'd have liked.

"Zaylin, we still have to tell my father. Everything will be okay." Xavier sounded so certain, but I had a feeling that something was going to happen.

I couldn't answer because I knew my voice would have given away just how scared I was. I simply nodded and let Xavier lead me in the house. He took my hand and positioned me behind his back, in case something were to go wrong.

:Xavier, where were you today? And why didn't you inform me where you'd be ahead of time?" I heard a strong, deep voice ask. I stepped closer to Xavier, knowing that his father was already angry, and what he was about to hear would make him furious.

"Father, I was out with my fiance." Xavier's voice didn't falter nor did he seem in the least bit nervous on the outside, but I knew he was just as nervous as me

"Fiance!? And whom might this fiance of yours be?!" His father's voice rose by the second.

Xavier still kept me behind his back as he answered, "Zaylin Silva."

I peeked over Xavier's shoulder to see how his father would react to this. His father was growing red in the face and I could practically see steam coming from his ears. His mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out at the time. He found his voice eventually.

"ZAYLIN SILVA?!" Mr. Turner yelled. I flinched and squeezed Xavier's hand tightly. "YOU ARE TO CALL OF THE ENGAEMENT IMMEDIATELY!"

"No." Xavier said calmly, bringing me to his side and holding me in his arms.


"Father, I'm not going to end the relationship because you don't like her. I love her and I don't care about the money. I can always get a job," Xavier yelled back to his father.

His father looked even more outraged. "LEAVE! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"

Xavier bowed his head to his father and said coldly, "Of course father." Xavier's arm around me tightened for just a second as he turned us around and guided me out the door. I jumped when the massive front doors slammed shut, disturbing the quiet night.

"Xavier," I softly said, "do you think you can sneak in my window? I'll distract my father while you climb into my room."

"Zaylin, what if your father gets too angry?" Xavier had worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't lose control." I assured him.

He didn't seem very thrilled by my plan, but Xavier knew that he couldn't very well just walk in my house. My father would have his head and he knew that. We took Xavier's horse again and rode to my house. I daydreamed about owning my own house with Xavier and I glanced at the ring on my finger. A small smile spread on my lips, but it didn't last long because of what I was about to do. We decided to stop the horse a little bit from my house so that my father wouldn't hear us coming. We got off the horse and Xavier and I walked the horse the rest of the way. As we neared the front of the house, I went on ahead to the door while Xavier went to tie up the horse and climb up the side of the house to my room's window.

I opened the front door and walked into the living room. I saw my father jump up from one of the chairs and come towards me.

"Where have you been, Zaylin?" he demanded harshly.

"Father I was out enjoying the beautiful day. Have you changed your mind about the engagement?" I asked, keeping my hands behind my back, hiding the ring.

"No! And why are you bringing up this dreadful topic?" my father hissed.

"I love him. I was thinking—"

He barked out a laugh. "You know a lady like you shouldn't be thinking. You should be obeying what I say, and I say to forget about that Turner and marry Gareth."

"Father, Gareth isn't—" I got cut off by my father slapping my cheek.

"You will do as I say, Zaylin." my father glared at me.

I cradled my throbbing cheek and whimpered, "Father, what if I don't?"

"Then you are no longer my daughter."

I knew that he was serious, but I was happy at the possibility of not being his daughter. When mom died he found it suitable to make me do all of the cooking and cleaning, even though I was only eight. I was practically his slave, and I decided I wanted a change. I rebelled in little ways at first, but over the years I rebelled in bigger ways, resulting in me befriending Xavier. Of course every time I rebelled, my father slapped me and gave me lectures, but it was worth it in my eyes.

"Yes Father," I nodded before I turned and walked up the stairs to my room.

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