Chapter Thirty

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Xavier and Caiden were able to go to work the next morning now that Violet and I could take care of Amethyst. Amethyst giggled her baby giggle when I walked into her nursery that morning. I picked her up and was going to sit on the floor with Amethyst so she could play with her toys, but I remembered that I wouldn't be able to get up from the floor without help.

"Violet, can you come play with Amy in here? I was going to, but my stomach is in the way some."

"Coming!" Violet called as she scurried over to us. She took Amy from me and sat down by the toys.

"Thank you, would you like some breakfast?"

Violet nodded, "Yes, but only if it isn't any trouble."

I waved her off. "Of course not. It'll be done within half an hour."

I walked into the kitchen and whipped up something for us to eat. I carried the plates to the table and yelled that it was ready. Violet came in with Amethyst in her arms. I took Amy from her and let her eat while I fed Amethyst her bottle.

After breakfast, Violet went back to playing with Amy. I smiled at the scene before me, excited for the birth of my own child. I rubbed my stomach as I daydreamed about the future. I was abruptly shaken from my thoughts when I heard someone knock on the door. Confused, I opened the door to see my father standing there. My breathing quickened as my breakfast stirred in my stomach.

"Hello, can I help you?" I ask politely, hoping he didn't recognize me.

"You can stop the act Zaylin. I know it's you, though it is a little hard to believe," he snapped while eying me.

I didn't open the door further nor invite him in. I wanted to shrink into the shadows to avoid his harsh, judgmental gaze, but I stood strong.

"Is there a reason for this visit, or are you here to punish me?"

My father closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he spoke again. "I am here to inform you that I am willing to forgive your mistake and take you back."

"Mistake? I don't know what you are talking about. I made the right decision, not a mistake."

My father's face heated up a little. "You made a mistake marrying that Turner. I'll let you keep that baby-"

"Let me?! It is my decision if I keep this baby, not yours! You can't tell me what to do anymore, I am an adult! I-"

I struggled as he clasped his hand around my throat. I remembered him strangling my mother to death, and I started to panic. I knew that if I died, my baby wouldn't live either. I struggled in his hands, all the while it was getting harder to breathe.

"Zaylin, who is there?" Violet's voice was carried to us.

I couldn't answer her so my father did. "Her father and I stopped by for a quick visit is all. I am about to me on my way," he answered Violet in the calmest and sweetest voice.

"Oh, I will leave you two alone to talk then," she said as she walked back down the hallway.

I panicked even more as I started to get lightheaded. "Pl-plea-se. Le-t me g-o." I choked out.He grasped my throat a bit tighter before he finally released me. "When I visit again, I expect a different answer

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