Chapter Five

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We left the abandoned bridge and went to tell my father the news. When we got to my house, I took a deep breath and almost made Xavier stay outside while I broke the news to my father. Xavier calmly walked into the house and he grabbed my hand.

"Father?" I called into the big house. I soon heard his footsteps coming our way.

"Zaylin, where have—what is this?!" he shouted when he say that I was holding hands with Xavier.
"Father Xavier proposed marriage and I said yes." I calmly answered, however, on the inside I was terrified.

"You are going to marry Gareth no him," my father said in disgust. "Gareth is more of a man than that Turner.!"

"Father, Gareth is less than a man than Xavier. He tried to kiss me without my permission! Gareth wouldn't take care of me, and you know that! You are only thinking about yourself and the possible money you can get from marrying me to him! If you were truly thinking of me, you'd know that Xavier is better for me!" I yelled at my father, and quickly rushed out the door, tears already beginning to spill from my eyes. I buried my face in my hands and tried to stop crying.

A second later, I felt someone's hands gently pry mine off my face and lift my chin up. I looked at Xavier with a sad expression, and his thumbs gently brushed away the tears; but more replaced them.

"Zaylin, it'll be alright. I'm sure your father will come to his senses," he said soothingly. "How about we forget about this and go into the next town over, where they don't care if we are Silvas or Turners?"

I nodded, and slowly stopped crying.

"That's better. I hate seeing you upset. Let me go home real quickly and get one of my horses, then we can go. I'll meet you at the abandoned bridge, okay? And if I make it there before you and you haven't shown in ten minutes, I'll come looking for you."

"Alright," I smiled weakly.

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