Chapter Eighteen

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We rode for three days to get to the new town. It was breathtaking. There were little shops all around, the houses had gardens in front of them, and many people were very friendly. Once we reached Claire and Caiden's house, Xavier and I hoped out and began helping with the luggage.

"Xavier, is it possible we could get married today?"

Xavier jerked his head around to look at me. Love and passion was glowing in his eyes. "Yes, I am sure we can arrange it."

I smiled and couldn't stop, no matter what. Claire noticed and she gave me a questioning look. I merely shook my head, too excited to speak.

"Caiden, do you know where Zaylin and I can get married today?" I heard Xavier ask.

Caiden gruffly replied, "Yes, I know of a place. I'll take you both there once I put the luggage away in the correct rooms."

I was practically bouncing in place- I couldn't contain my excitement much longer. I started daydreaming of what it would be like to be married. My daydream, however was quickly interrupted.

"Alright, we can go to the place you two are to be wed."

I hugged Caiden, knowing this must be hard for him. "Thank you Caiden." I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"You are welcome Zaylin. It's just hard to accept you have grown up to much."

"I know, but don't worry. I can take care of myself."

He kissed the top of my head. "I know, that's the only reason why I am letting you go through this."

Xavier pulled me into his arms when I had walked away from Caiden. "Are you ready to become my wife?"

Just that question could turn my whole body to mush. I reached in my pocket and put his engagement ring on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got as close as I could to him.

"Yes, I can't wait until I say I do".

He was about to kiss me, when Caiden cleared his throat. "Save that for later."

We both blush lightly and hurry into the carriage. We get out once the wagon has stopped. I was too excited to notice any specific details about the place. Everyone rushed in and we asked the priest if he would marry us. The priest nodded and we began our wedding.

It was all a blur until the priest paused and I said "I do".

After, Xavier kissed me deeply. We broke the kiss and faced Claire and Caiden. They were both smiling at us and we left to go back home.

'I am married!' I thought, ready to shout it to the world.

I cuddled into Xavier's side, and sighed in content when his arms wrapped around me. When we reached the house again, Xavier picked me up, and carried me across the threshold. I laughed and kissed him, unable to bottle up my love for him much longer.

"Zaylin, do you know which room is ours?" Xavier asked sweetly.

I looked around and saw two rooms, one on each end of the hall. "Caiden, you never told us which room was ours!"

"Your room is on the right."

Xavier didn't let me reply. I was hurriedly carried off to our room.

"Xavier, dear husband, I would like to take a shower."

"I was thinking the same thing. There is no reason why we can't take one together."

I smiled and kissed him, pulling away almost as soon as our lips touched. "You can take a shower with me, as long as you catch me." I declared. I rushed over the bed and started to head for the bathroom when the world started to spin a little.

"I caught you." Xavier's low voice rang in my ear.

I giggled, "You did, now are you going to carry me to the bathroom as well?"

I was swept off my feet and I looked up into his gorgeous green eyes. They were alive with laughter and passion. I got lost in them until I heard the rush of water. Startled, I jumped, earning a laugh from Xavier.

I playfully glared at him. I couldn't pretend to he mad at him for long, especially when Xavier pouted- he was irresistible. I checked the water's temperature and noticed it was hot enough to turn on the shower head. I started to undress, not taking my eyes off of Xavier's. He started to undress as well, and once we were both naked, I looked over his body once more. I blushed lightly when I noticed he was doing the same thing to my body. I got into the shower, and Xavier quickly followed, his arms snaking their way around my waist.

I kissed him with passion as we went a little too far in the shower. I was rather surprised at how sore I was. I must have shown my discomfort because Xavier wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Are you hurt?"

I smiled up at him, touched by his concern. "I am just sore, that's all. Now, let's actually take a shower."

We laughed and truly showered. Afterwards, I grabbed a towel and dried off. Xavier followed my example and we got dressed. We heard my brother knocking on the door.

"Yes?" I call through the door.

"Dinner is ready."

'Great, how am I going to hide my soreness from him?'

I slowly walked to the door and opened it. I stepped into the hallway and I felt an arm around my waist. I looked up and over my shoulder to see Xavier right behind me, a smile on his face. I quickly kissed him before I continued to walk towards the drinking room. Once in reached the dinning room, I saw my brother and Claire smiling like crazy.

'Uh-oh. Why are they smiling like that at us? They look like maniacs. I hope they didn't hear what happened in the shower...'

Xavier and I carefully sat down at the table.

Once we were seated, Caiden said, "We have amazing news to tell you two."

Claire was practically bouncing in her seat. "I'm three months pregnant."

I was shocked, but smiled and exclaimed, "I am so happy for you both!"

"I wouldn't mind a little one running around," Xavier whispered in my ear.

I blushed and looked down so no one could see. "I want a baby too, but I want to wait a little while," I whispered. "But I think we should stay here so that we can help them with their baby. It'll be a great experience for us."

"Whatever you want, Honey."

I smile up at him and kiss him quickly. I turn back to eat my food and I see my brother and sister-in-law smiling at each other.

"So, Xavier and I were wondering of we could stay here and help you two out with the new baby..."

"Of course you two can stay. I think we will need at the help we can get," Claire giggled happily.

"Thank you so much. We will do what ever we can to help with the house and the baby," I smiled.

"Oh, you really don't have to, you are our guests."

"We want to, don't worry about it."

With that the conversation died and we all began to eat. I looked at Xavier from the corner of my eye and saw that he was doing the same to me. I gave a small giggle and continued to eat.

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