Chapter Nine

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I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I started making my father's breakfast, hoping to get him back into a good mood. After I cooked, I cleaned the dishes before I picked up all of the dirty clothes to wash them. I put them all in a basket and was going to wash them when the doorbell rang. I sighed as I turned around and went to open the door. I instantly regretted it.

"Gareth, what do you want?" I snapped. "I have chores to attend to."

"Zaylin, forget about your chores. I'm sure your father will let you come with me for the day." he smiled triumphantly.

"He wants me to do the chores. I don't think it's wise to ask to get out of them, besides I'd rather be with Xavier all day than you." I said truthfully.

Gareth glared down at me. I tilted my head up at him, standing my ground. I felt my hair move off my cheek and I knew the bruise was visible, but I wasn't about to let Gareth think he won.

"What happened to your cheek?" Gareth gasped.

"That is non of your concern, especially because our arranged marriage isn't going to happen. Now, I have to wash these clothes. You can either leave or keep standing there like a fool." I said.

I turned away from Gareth and shut the door on him. I washed the clothes, then hung them up to dry them. While I waited for the clothes to dry, I started cleaning the two story house. I dusted everything, swept the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and swept the bedrooms. I was exhausted and I still had to make my father his lunch, fold the dry clothes, put away my clothes and lay father's on his bed, and I had to wash the dirty towels, wait for them to dry, fold, and put them away as well. And if dinner happened to be soon when I was done, start on dinner.

I heard my stomach growl at me and I remembered that I had skipped breakfast to get started on the chores. I frowned and thought for a moment about what was fastest to make. When nothing came to mind, I decided that I'll wait until lunch to eat.

The rest of the day I was doing chores and opening the door when someone came by. I was so excited that Xavier was coming tonight that I had trouble concealing my excitement from my father. That night over dinner, my father and I were eating silently as usual. I had forgotten that my ring was on my finger still. I was absentmindedly toying with the ring on my hand when about halfway through dinner I realized what I was doing. I slid the ring off slowly and put it in my pocket, making as little movement as possible.

"Zaylin, I heard you and Gareth talking today. Why would you tell him that the arranged marriage isn't going to happen?" my father asked calmly.

I softly said, "Because it isn't. I love Xavier. And Gareth only wants the arranged marriage so he can order me around like you do. I would just rebel like I do with you, and I don't think he'd be very pleased."

My father's face turned red. "Zaylin! You can't love Xavier! You are supposed to hate him! How could you love a Turner?!"

"Because he actually cares for me! He doesn't beat me for no apparent reason! And he is a very sweet man, honest, smart, and he doesn't care about how much many our marriage will make him!" I yelled at my father, standing up out of my seat.

My father looked speechless for a moment. I didn't give him time to respond because I stormed upstairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, eyes closed.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," I heard someone say, causing me to almost jump out of my skin.

I opened my eyes and saw Xavier's sympathetic face. I smiled and ran into his arms, so glad to be with him. I buried my head into his neck and allowed the tears I was holding back to fall.

"Shh, Zaylin, it's alright now," Xavier soothed.

I heard someone coming up the steps. I got out of Xavier's arms and pushed him into my closet. I made my clothes hide him from view and I hurried to sit on my bed. The door creaked open.

"Zaylin, you really need to get Xavier out of your head. I'm saying this because I love you." my father spoke softly to me.

I glared at him. "I can't and won't get him out of my head! You don't understand. He is the best thing that came into my life."

"Zaylin, why won't you give Gareth a chance?"

"I could ask you the same about Xavier. The only reason you don't like Xavier is because his last name is Turner! What if his last name was Alexander?"

"I really think Gareth is a good man. He could be the perfect man for you."

"Father! Let's face it, you just want him to marry me so you can get more power and money! I am tired of being nothing more to you than a pawn and a maid! I am done with your arranged marriage and I am marrying Xavier whether you like it or not!" I shouted at him.

He looked taken aback, then he looked furious. "If that is how you want it, then you are no longer my daughter! You can stay here, but only if you are a free maid!"

"Like it has been any different for the last ten years." I replied bitterly.

"I'd watch what I would say if I were you. You wouldn't want another bruise like the one on your cheek would you?" my father growled.

I glared at him. I knew that he would give me a bruise in a heat beat and not feel an ounce of sorrow. "If I were you, I'd find another daughter to marry that creep Gareth."

"If only I could." my father said. He then left the room and Xavier came out of my closet.

"That was too close." he announced, looking worried.

"Agreed. Did you manage to find a job?" I asked him.

"Yes. It pays alright, but not enough to support you and me at the moment. I'll work for a couple weeks more before I may get a raise."

"If you can't, you may have to work more than one job..." I frowned.

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out, I promise." Xavier kissed me and hugged me close to him. I let myself enjoy his presence and forget about our problems for now.

I heard Xavier's stomach rumble. I tilted my head up to look at him in the eyes. "Did you eat dinner?"

"No, and I haven't exactly eaten all day," he mumbled so lowly that I could barely make out his words.

"Xavier!" I whisper-yelled. "You should've found a way to come back to the house to sneak some food." I scolded. "Wait here for a minute." I commanded.

I turned around and left the room going straight to the kitchen. My father was there, but I quickly told him I was going to clean the kitchen and he left without a word to me. I smiled in triumph and quickly grab some food for Xavier. I quickly came back to the room with the food and gave it to him, flinching when the floorboards creaked.

"Thank you," Xavier smiled sweetly and kissed me quickly. I kissed him back and let him eat. While he was eating, I grabbed my nightgown and changed in the bathroom. When I walked out, Xavier had already finished his food. I went to him and sat on his lap lightly.

"Well my beautiful fiance, what would you like to do?" he asked, kissing my cheek. He lingered there a little longer than necessary, but I didn't mind. I blushed a little from his words. I loved the way the word fiance ran off his tongue.

"Well, I'd like to just sit here and kiss you," I said softly right before I kissed his lips. I felt him kiss back eagerly. Things started to get a little heated and I ran my hands under his shirt while his hands started to travel under my nightgown and up my legs.

I broke the kiss first. "Wait, Xavier. We should stop," I said breathlessly. I slide my hands out from under his shirt, touching his abs one last time.

"You are right, sorry," he apologized, moving me so that I'm off his lap and on the bed. "I should get ready for bed." he went to the bathroom and gets undressed. He came out a minute later, wearing only his underwear. I got under the covers and felt the other side of the bed dip down. I soon felt a pair of arms around my torso and a body behind mine. I sighed in contentment and buried my head into my pillow, falling asleep.

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